What Really Matters in Response to Intervention: Research-based Designs

Front Cover
Pearson Education, Nov 21, 2011 - Education - 216 pages

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The Response to Intervention initiative has risen to the top of today’s instructional agenda and yet it is a process that is unfamiliar terrain for many teachers. To help teachers acquire a fuller understanding of the complexity of response to intervention designs, literacy researcher and best-selling author Dick Allington offers clear recommendations to guide classroom teachers in designing response to instruction (RtI) programs such that struggling readers will develop their reading proficiencies to match those of their achieving peers. Unlike any other book on the topic, Dick Allington provides a research-base that supports closing the reading achievement gap along with implications this has for designing RTI programs. In addition, Dick provides a comprehensive discussion of the factors that inhibit poor, disabled, and second-language learners from achieving and offers a number of research-based instructional strategies and routines for turning struggling readers into achieving readers. Teachers will be inspired and confident to design response to instruction programs!

Take a look inside...

  • Provides a complete review of what is critical to accelerating the development of struggling readers.
  • Presents educators with a framework for how we might design response to intervention (RTI) programs such that struggling readers will develop their reading proficiencies to match those of their achieving peers.
  • Features a complete analysis of response to intervention design (RTI) and offers a detailed framework for evaluating existing and future intervention efforts.
  • Includes numerous websites that provide teacher-friendly information, strategies, and tools for accelerating reading development.

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About the author (2011)

Richard L. Allington is a past president of the International Reading Association and of the National Reading Conference. He has written more than 100 published papers and reports on reading difficulties, and is the author or coauthor of What Really Matters for Struggling Readers, What Really Matters in Fluency, Classrooms That Work, and Schools That Work. Dick is a former

classroom teacher, reading specialist, and federal programs director who has studied and written about reading intervention including his influential article in the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, “If They Don’t Read Much, How They Ever Gonna Get Good?”.

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