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The fecond is fotte bobily labour oz Auvidus exercise in Come boncl action, whereby is prevented all fuch lewd topes and vaine meditations, whereunto the minde (acuer but well `oz euilly occupied) is easily entised: foz ilehelle is toʻaliuing man a fepulchre, but lavour is che mindes medicine. The third is decencnelle in attire and outward oznaménts; the which wee are to bse for colde, not foz colour, as conerings of our nakedneffe, not as allurements to licentiousnes: for why to intend is to trefpalle, to will is co wozke, and externally to gine occafion is dangerous. The fourth is difcreetly to refraine the libertie of our Sences: not fo to looke on the funne that we dim our eies with the brightnelle, not fo to touch the berrie that we dzaw blood with the bzier, not fo to taft honic that we be flung of the Bee, not so to heare me. lodie that we neglect modelkie, noz so to linell sweet odours that wee fente not vnfawozie ozdours; but so co fee, touche, taffe, heare, and smell the entiling lullabies of beautie and flattering preparatiues to Venus, that by fozecalling the inconuenience we may the easilier escape the mischiefe: for repentance was neuer but a loofer. The fift is, Steldome wordes, and those with fobzietie: not by euill speeches to coz rupe good manners: for what contenteth the eare, to that teadily confentech the heart: And because (if for no other caufe) he that is still accuttoned to speake ill, is by good rea fon fufpected not to doe well, Ribaldzie is therefore not Alightly to be repzooned: föż well it is said, that the mindcs Image is the tongue, and sometimes of wordes spoken but in meriment haue proceeded occafions working to a mischicfe. The firt and laft is, to conquer opportunitie whenlo euer we are offered the executing of our purpofed lewdnelle : foz albeit wee finde the perfon pliant to performe, the place apt for performance, and the time conuenient for perfour ming, yeat at that very infant fhould we remember, that we ought not to boe all that we would, noz fo much as we may, but only that which is lawfall and honeft : otherwise wherein difer we from barcafanable Creatures & But (my good


guelts) for fo much as I cannot but confefle that this inoĮvinate petulancie, delightfull euill, and sweet popfon, Luft, is far moze calie to be controwled of all, than correcter of any one,as an infirmitie of our cozrupt flech,and the oppofice ther of moze currant in praise than conuerfant in practile, I will therefore here lap aftram, and proccede to the matter from which I haue thus far vigrellen.

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Of Thetis her difloyalties and by what chance the Scythian Lord escaped the vnfufpected Confpiracie of her and


Rmatrites and Thetis (for Armatrites was his name

what by fending and refending of often tables and tos kens (as I began to tell you )ýad concluded vpon their vilhanelt enterprise, making sure ofmine absence, hau many mettings at this my Castle : where not simplie contenring themLelues with acted luff, they had also complatted home to hate murdered nie. The night came wherein my death was determined, in which Stratagem dillopall Theris boulu hatte done execution. But as we lay a-bed amozoufly toying, the Luddenly fetched a dcepe fighe, great plentie of teares then alfo bzalting from out her eyes: whereat I no lcffe amazed than greeued, as he that esteemed himselfe lo long diffempe red whill I thought her in any thing disturbed, inaking my preparatiue with a payze of leash of killes, din carnelliye demaunde the cause of such her passions : but shre not able of a long time td utter any wordé foz weeping, at length clasping her arms about mine neck & repaying my kelles with mozethe double imtercft, wifted mee off with theseenelclle answere, By loving Lozd (qd. thee) for lo much as to disctole the cause of these mine extraozdinavic teares, the which priuat, Ipe concerne mine owne felfe and nothing at all touch you, would be but ý new remembrance of an els fegrow, which

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by filence maye her in time fupppellen, by relightall in mes mozie the deeper impeller, maye it therefore, please you of pardon in that I am awilling to rehearse that which I would (if it might bee) la willingly forget. A being blinded with loue, and overtaken with her naipaunces, and not ming ding then to vige her any farther then should Wars with her owne contentment, questioued her no longer as touching this matter: but for that I perceaued her minde to bcɛ perplexed, Amp Telfe was wonderfully disquieted, and so lay muling of all that night without flceping any one winke. Aay (belècue me) if euer any man were beholding to lozrow, then I of all other haue best cause to commend so?row, for it kept me awake and waking aliue. Foz albeit her muschieuous minde (I wot not howe relenting) did ferme nowe al mofkreclaimed from fuch ber murtherous intent, yeat (as the har felfe afterwards confelled) her new and irrevocable zeale to Armatrices had lo ouer-mattren reason, that after à long combat berwire pittie and crucitié, as wee that wouly noc haue attempted any thinge to the annoying of nice coulde the otherwise haue atrapned to the enioying of him, was fulIy refolued to haue finished my life,if happely of all that night she had taken me napping. But I not doubting at all any such wrong measure, hauing outer night appointed with my huntelmen to be early firring, as loone therefoze as day ap peared, taking a louers leaue an hundzevtimes at her lips, ·leauing her a bed departed towards the woodes : where-by a ftraunge chaunce (as I shall now tell you) I got intelligence of fuch their falfe packing.

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How the Scythian Lord by the rude Salutation of Ar matrites his Concubine vnderftoode of the cuill that was practized against him.

ARmatrices had a verye beautifull Concubine, who`(I


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