A Dictionary of Derivations; Or: An Introduction to Etymology, on a New Plan |
Common terms and phrases
2nd fut abbreviation analogies ancient Anglo-Saxon apocope Ardglass arms bend called cast Celtic colour Compare the derivation Compare the formation contraction corruption cover denotes derivation and meaning derive this word Dictionary digamma diminutive dropping English words escoute etymologists etymology examples favour ford formerly written French word give Gothic granum Greek hand head hence the term horse inserted Irish Italian Johnson says kind kindred letter language Latin word latrocinium Lego Low Latin lumbus manus Menage metathesis Milton mouth noun OGLIO Old F one's originally applied originally meant orthography pare past participle perhaps person platanus preceding word prefixed Probably proper properly means quia quod river Romans root seems Saxon Seditio sense Shakspeare signify similarly derived species SPERMACETI stone syllable syncope termination thing tion Tooke says town verb vessel vowels whence wool write