A Supplement to Mr. Barton's Precedents in Conveyancing: Containing All the Miscellaneous Assurances There Referred To, and Also a Great Variety of Other Minor Assurances Not Comprised in that Work, with Copious Expanatory and Practical Notes, Volume 3H. Butterworth, 1826 - Conveyancing |
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Common terms and phrases
Act Building church Act Company establishing annuity appointed Bank of England bodies politic body or bodies calendar months chapel or church chattels churchwardens clerk collector commissioners company of proprietors contract convenient corporation aggregate court Court of Chancery deemed directed directors empowered entitled erected execution executors expenses feme covert further enacted gaol hand and seal hereby authorized hereby required hereinafter hereinbefore indenture intended interest justices landlord lands lawful lease lessors levied lord Lords Spiritual Majesty's manner meeting ments messuages monies mortgage notice occupiers as aforesaid offender overseers owner or owners paid parish PARLIAMENTA RY FORMS payment peace person or persons pounds powers premises Private Act Building Private Act Company PRIVATE BILLS Provided purchase purposes pursuance railways or tram-roads rates or assessments rector rents respectively share or shares sum or sums sums of money surveyor tenant therein thereof thereto trustee or trustees vested virtue whatsoever
Popular passages
Page 540 - And it is agreed by us, the insurers, that this writing or policy of assurance shall be of as much force and effect as the surest writing or policy of assurance heretofore made in Lombard Street, or in the Royal Exchange, or elsewhere in London.
Page 541 - NB — Corn, fish, salt, fruit, flour, and seed are warranted free from average, unless general, or the ship be stranded — sugar, tobacco, hemp, flax, hides and skins are warranted free from average, under five pounds per cent., and all other goods, also the ship and freight, are warranted free from average, under three pounds per cent, unless general, or the ship be stranded.
Page 540 - ... mariners, and of all other perils, losses, and misfortunes that have, or shall come to the hurt, detriment, or damage of the said goods and merchandises, and ship, etc., or any part thereof.
Page 456 - Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall extend or be .construed to extend to...
Page 216 - And be it further enacted, that this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as such by all judges, justices, and others, without being specially pleaded.
Page 141 - Speed be paid into the Bank of England, in the Name and with the Privity of the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, to be placed to his Account there exports the " Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, "> Land Land Revenues, Works, and Buildings...
Page 707 - ... or upwards, whether the same shall be only evidence of a contract, or obligatory upon the parties from its being a written instrument ; together with every schedule, receipt, or other matter put or indorsed thereon or annexed thereto, 6d.
Page 540 - ... until she hath moored at anchor twenty-four hours in good safety; and upon the goods and merchandises, until the same be there discharged and safely landed.
Page 524 - Successors grant and declare that these our Letters Patent or the Enrolment or Exemplification thereof shall be in and by all things good firm valid sufficient and effectual in the Law according to the true intent and meaning of the same and shall be...
Page 168 - Three or more of them, to order the said sum or sums so awarded to be paid into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery...