A succinct account of all the religions, and various sects in religion, that have prevailed in the world


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Page 71 - Whom men could not honour in presence, because they dwelt far off, they took the counterfeit of his visage from far, and made an express image of a king whom they honoured, to the end that by this their forwardness they might flatter him that was absent as if he were present.
Page 431 - Which laying by Reason would set up Revelation without it. Whereby in effect it takes away both Reason and Revelation, and substitutes in the room of it, the ungrounded Fancies of a Man's own Brain, and assumes them for a Foundation both of Opinion and Conduct.
Page 27 - But thus shall ye deal with them ; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.
Page 439 - The second sort of Deists are those who believe not only the being, but also the providence, of God, with respect to the natural world, but who, not allowing any difference between moral good and evil, deny that God takes any notice of the morally good or evil actions of men; these things depending, as they imagine, on the arbitrary constitution of human laws.
Page 451 - Teftament revelation; for Our Saviour came not to deftroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfil them, and carry the fcheme of religion, there laid down, to a ftill higher degree of excellency.
Page xix - We know that the highest conceptions we are able to form of them are still beneath his real perfections ; but his power and dominion over us, and our duty towards him, are manifest. " Though God has given us no innate ideas of himself,
Page 318 - God to the sun; the illuminated virtue or quality of which was the Word, and its warming virtue the Holy Spirit. The Word, they taught, was darted, like a divine ray, to accomplish the work of redemption ; and that, being reascended to heaven, the influences of the Father were communicated after a like manner to the apostles.
Page 397 - That the law qualified men for the kingdom of heaven, and was founded upon equal promises with the Gospel. — 5. That the general resurrection of the dead does not follow in virtue of our Saviour's resurrection. — 6. That the grace of God is given according to our merits. — 7. That this grace is not granted for the performance of every moral act; the liberty of the will and information in points of duty being sufficient.
Page 228 - ... their hufbands all the dangers and fatigues of war, but at length, to follow them by a voluntary death into the other world; it can hardly be attributed to any thing elfe but a ftrong perfuafion of their being admitted to live with them in that place of blifs.

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