Achievement and Motivation: A Social-Developmental PerspectiveAnn K. Boggiano, Thane S. Pittman The basic theme of this book concerns the relations between motivation and achievement, particularly as they relate to educational settings. The issues are addressed from a social-developmental perspective. The book is organized into three sections. The development of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations is addressed in the first section, where contributors offer their latest account of the distinction between the two orientations, emphasizing how the two motivational systems develop. The effects of motivational orientations on interpersonal interaction and on creativity are addressed in the two subsequent chapters. The second section focuses on the relation between motivation and the experience of competence. Three chapters address the development of competence, affect, and motivation from grade school to junior high; the effects of competence information on intrinsic motivation; and the development of competence assessment processes. In the third section the relation between motivation and achievement is explored. Two chapters discuss the effect of extrinsic pressures on self-regulation, and on the relations among intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, performance, motivational style and learned helplessness. Finally, the concepts of optimal degrees of pressure and performance, and of defensive behavior in the form of self-handicapping, are discussed in the last two chapters. A final summary chapter provides an overview of the basic themes of the book. |
List of contributors page ix | 1 |
Intrinsic motivation | 7 |
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations | 37 |
The motivation for creativity in children | 54 |
Competence and motivation | 75 |
Developmental changes in competence assessment | 138 |
of internalization and selfregulation in school | 167 |
an optimal | 215 |
Selfhandicapping and achievement | 244 |
Other editions - View all
Achievement and Motivation: A Social-Developmental Perspective Ann K. Boggiano,Thane S. Pittman No preview available - 2011 |
Common terms and phrases
ability academic achievement motivation activity adults Amabile anagrams anxiety assessment attributions autonomy behavior Boggiano challenge Chapter Child Development classroom cognitive competence cues condition context controlling creativity Deci developmental Developmental Psychology effects effort enhance Erlbaum evaluation expectancy experience experimental external extrinsic constraints extrinsic motivational orientation extrinsic orientation factors failure feedback focus grades Grolnick Harackiewicz Harter Hillsdale hypothesis individual differences interaction internal intrinsic interest intrinsic motivation intrinsic value introjected involvement Journal of Personality Koestner learned helplessness learning Lepper less low achievers mastery negative one's optimal outcomes overjustification overjustification effect perceived competence perceptions of competence Personality and Social petence Pittman positive positive feedback predicted pressure processes regulation reported reward Ruble Ryan salient scholastic competence schoolwork scores self-determination self-esteem self-evaluation social comparison Social Psychology subjects subsequent intrinsic success suggested task performance teachers tend test anxiety theory tivation trinsic underachievers undermine University of Denver variables versus