Addiction TrajectoriesEugene Raikhel, William Garriott Duke University Press, 18 апр. 2013 г. - Всего страниц: 346 Bringing anthropological perspectives to bear on addiction, the contributors to this important collection highlight the contingency of addiction as a category of human knowledge and experience. Based on ethnographic research conducted in sites from alcohol treatment clinics in Russia to Pentecostal addiction ministries in Puerto Rico, the essays are linked by the contributors' attention to the dynamics—including the cultural, scientific, legal, religious, personal, and social—that shape the meaning of "addiction" in particular settings. They examine how it is understood and experienced among professionals working in the criminal justice system of a rural West Virginia community; Hispano residents of New Mexico's Espanola Valley, where the rate of heroin overdose is among the highest in the United States; homeless women participating in an outpatient addiction therapy program in the Midwest; machine-gaming addicts in Las Vegas, and many others. The collection's editors suggest "addiction trajectories" as a useful rubric for analyzing the changing meanings of addiction across time, place, institutions, and individual lives. Pursuing three primary trajectories, the contributors show how addiction comes into being as an object of knowledge, a site of therapeutic intervention, and a source of subjective experience. Contributors. Nancy D. Campbell, E. Summerson Carr, Angela Garcia, William Garriott, Helena Hansen, Anne M. Lovell, Emily Martin, Todd Meyers, Eugene Raikhel, A. Jamie Saris, Natasha Dow Schüll |
Tracing New Paths in the Anthropology of Addiction Eugene Raikhel and William Garriott | 1 |
One The Elegiac Addict Angela Garcia | 36 |
GamblingMachine Addiction and the Double Bind of Therapeutics Natasha Dow Schull | 61 |
Pharmacotherapy Inside and Outside the Clinic Todd Meyers | 88 |
An American Tale of Two Communities of Addicted Selves Helena Hansen | 108 |
Russian Narcology Transnational Toxicomanias and the Great French Ecological Experiment Anne M Lovell | 126 |
Rescripting American Addiction Counseling E Summerson Carr | 160 |
Seven Placebos or Prostheses for the Will?Trajectories of Alcoholism Treatment in Russia Eugene Raikhel | 188 |
Methamphetamine Addiction and the Semiotics of Criminal Difference William Garriott | 213 |
Nine Why Cant They Stop? A Highly Public Misunderstanding of Science Nancy D Campbell | 238 |
Whats at Stake for Anthropology in Addiction A Jamie Saris | 263 |
Following Addiction Trajectories Emily Martin | 284 |
References | 293 |
Contributors | 327 |
329 | |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
addiction treatment alcohol Alma Alma's American addiction Anthropology Baker County Baltimore Sun behavior Biehl biological biopolitical body brain buprenorphine Cedric and Megan chapter Childress chronic clients clinical clinicians cocaine concept context craving crimes criminal cultural denial dependence described discourse disease disorder disulfiram drug users effects elusive travelers experience forms Fresh Beginnings gamblers gambling Garriott harm reduction heroin hospital individual injecting institutional interventions interview João Biehl khimzashchita Laura lives Lovell machine manage Marseille ment meth methadone methamphetamine model of addiction moral motivational interviewing narcologists narcology National neuro-imaging opiate opioid Oprah Oprah Winfrey Show patients Pavel person pharmaceutical pharmacological physicians placebo police political potential practices prescription Press problem production psychiatry Raikhel Reckitt Benckiser recovery relapse relationship Russian Schüll social solidarity Soviet Suboxone Substance Abuse Subutex technologies therapeutic therapists therapy Tierra Amarilla tion toxicomanes toxicomania trajectories treat treatment programs understanding University video poker volume Vrecko