Advances in Sport Psychology

Front Cover
Human Kinetics, 2002 - Education - 562 pages

The second edition of the popular Advances in Sport Psychology provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date review of the major trends in sport psychology. With four new chapters on self-perceptions, moral reasoning levels, athletic injury, and flow and peak performance, the text is much more than an overview of other resources. It is an in-depth compilation that assists students and professionals in thoroughly comprehending the current research in sport psychology.

Editor Thelma Horn, PhD, builds on classic theories of sport psychology presented in the first edition, synthesizing current research with older philosophies. With the editorial contributions of 28 prolific researchers and scholars in the field, the text pushes at the boundaries that have defined sport psychology since its inception. The new edition emphasizes future research directions, giving readers, students, and researchers alike an early look at the questions to be tackled in coming years. It is thorough in its presentation of the research, which allows students and researchers to build on the theories presented in the text.

The updated text reviews personality, motivation, anxiety and performance, and goal setting in sports. While addressing research issues, it takes an in-depth look at the individual difference factors that affect behavior in sport and physical activity contexts. The four-part text features the following:
-Modified and substantially updated chapters from the first edition, giving readers a decade's worth of new material in one convenient reference

-Four new chapters on self-perceptions, moral reasoning levels, flow and peak performance, and athletic injury, ensuring that burgeoning fields of interest to current researchers are not overlooked

-Contributions from a team of leading researchers in the various fields of sport psychology, giving readers relevant and critical examinations of the various topics covered in the text

-An easy-to-read format that includes chapter-by-chapter introductions, definitions of terms, an explanation of the scope, a clear outline of the sections within each chapter, and a review of the available research and theory on the chapter topic
Part I, "Introduction to Sport Psychology," provides a comprehensive overview of the field, including definitions, history, research paradigms, and research methodologies.

Part II, "Individual Differences and Sport Behavior," examines the characteristics of individuals that affect their behavior in sport and physical activity contexts.

Part III, "Socioenvironmental Issues, Sociocultural Issues, and Sport Behavior," discusses various factors in the social environment that impinge on participants' behaviors.

Part IV, "Psychological Skills, Intervention Techniques, and Sport Behavior," examines the research and theory behind selected intervention techniques that have been used to enhance athletic performance or modify participants' behavior.

Advances in Sport Psychology, Second Edition, clearly and thoroughly reflects the theoretical and empirical advances that have occurred in sport psychology in the past decade. Returning and new readers will find the most significant current topics in sport psychology research compiled in one place, allowing them to see what the field has and has not accomplished. The new edition is a must-have reference for professionals in the field, and it makes an ideal text for graduate-level sport psychology courses.

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About the author (2002)

Thelma S. Horn, PhD, is an associate professor and member of the graduate faculty at Miami University of Ohio. Horn is the former editor and a current editorial board member of the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology; associate editor of the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology; and an editorial board member for Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science. Horn received her PhD in psychology of sport and physical activity from Michigan State University. She earned a master of arts degree in coaching behavior from Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo and a bachelor of science degree in psychology from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.Editor of the first edition of Advances in Sport Psychology, Horn has also contributed chapters to several other books and has published many articles and proceedings on sport psychology. In 1999, she was co-winner of the research writing award from Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport; and in 1993, Miami University honored her with the Richard T. Delp Outstanding Faculty Award. In her free time, Horn enjoys reading, running, and watching amateur athletic contests.

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