Aid to Survey Practice for Reference in Surveying, Levelling, and Setting Out |
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Aid to Survey Practice for Reference in Surveying, Levelling, and Setting Out Lowis D'Aguilar Jackson No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
Absc Abscissa accuracy adjustment adopted altitude amount angular measurement angular observation appliances astronomical observations axis azimuth base line bearings calculation centre chain surveys chord chronometer collimation compass convenient correct corresponding cosec cotg curvature curve determined difference direction distant point equal error feet figure fixed formulæ given graduated Greenwich mean ground Gunter's chains height hence horizontal angle inch instru instrument latitude length level-staff longitude lunar distance marked mean ment meridian method micrometer mile mode Nautical Almanac necessary object obtained operations Ordinate parallax pegs plane pole position principle purposes radii radius reading recorded reduced reflecting refraction right angles right ascensions route-surveys scale screws Section set-out setting-out sextant side sights sin² spherical spherical excess staff station staves subtended superelevation survey line surveyor tangent tangent point telemeter telescope theodolite tion transit traverse triangles Trigonometrical Trigonometrical Survey vertical wires
Popular passages
Page 21 - Those interested in the purchase and sale of estates, and in the adjustment of compensation cases, as well as in transactions in annuities, life insurances, &c., will find the present edition of eminent service.'* — Engineering.
Page 12 - A KEY AND COMPANION to the above Book, forming an extensive repository of Solved Examples and Problems in Illustration of the various Expedients necessary in Algebraical Operations.
Page 6 - Levelling. A TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LEVELLING. Showing its Application to purposes of Railway and Civil Engineering, in the Construction of Roads; with Mr. TELFORD'S Rules for the same. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, FGS, M. Inst. CE...
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