Aid to Survey Practice for Reference in Surveying, Levelling, and Setting Out

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C. Lockwood and Company, 1880 - Surveying - 382 pages

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Page 21 - Those interested in the purchase and sale of estates, and in the adjustment of compensation cases, as well as in transactions in annuities, life insurances, &c., will find the present edition of eminent service.'* — Engineering.
Page 12 - A KEY AND COMPANION to the above Book, forming an extensive repository of Solved Examples and Problems in Illustration of the various Expedients necessary in Algebraical Operations.
Page 6 - Levelling. A TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LEVELLING. Showing its Application to purposes of Railway and Civil Engineering, in the Construction of Roads; with Mr. TELFORD'S Rules for the same. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, FGS, M. Inst. CE...
Page 15 - Edition, is. 49. Derivative Spelling-Book : Giving the Origin of Every Word from the Greek, Latin, Saxon, German, Teutonic, Dutch, French, Spanish, and other Languages ; with their present Acceptation and Pronunciation. By J. ROWBOTHAM, FRAS Improved Edition. is. 6d.
Page 9 - AN OUTLINE OF THE METHOD OF CONDUCTING A TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY. For the Formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans, Military Reconnaissance, LEVELLING, &c., with Useful Problems, Formulae, and Tables.
Page 16 - FRENCH. ~~ 24. French Grammar. With Complete and Concise Rules on the Genders of French Nouns. By GL STRAUSS, Ph.D. is 6d 25.
Page 16 - Spanish-English and English-Spanish Dictionary. Including a large number of Technical Terms used in Mining, Engineering, &c., with the proper Accents and the Gender of every Noun. By ALFRED ELWES.
Page 11 - Diagrams. i8mo, 2s. 6d. cloth. " As a really handy book for reference, we know of no work equal to it ; and the railway engineers and others employed in the measurement and calculation of earthwork will find a great amount of practical information very admirably arranged, and available for general or rough estimates, as well as for the more exact calculations required in the engineers
Page 7 - Professor Goodeve has given us a treatise on the steam engine, which will bear comparison with anything written by Huxley or Maxwell, and we can award it no higher praise.
Page 26 - Whether we consider the liberality and beauty of the illustrations, the charm of the writing, or the durable interest of the matter, we must express our belief that there is hardly to be found •among the new books one that would be welcomed by people of so many ages and classes as a valuable present."— Examiner.

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