Ants: Their Structure, Development and BehaviorColumbia University Press, 1910 - 663 strani |
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Druge izdaje - Prikaži vse
Ants; Their Structure, Development and Behavior, 9. izdaja William Morton Wheeler Celotni ogled - 1910 |
Pogosti izrazi in povedi
abdominal adult amber Ameisen American antennæ ants aphids artificial nests Atta beetles body brood Camponotinæ Camponotus cavity cells chambers chitinous cocoons colonies crater Cremastogaster deälated described Dolichoderinæ Dolichoderus dorsal Doryline Dorylus Eciton Ecophylla eggs Emery excavated feeding figg Forel Formica Formica rufa Fourmis fusca galleries ganglia ganglion gaster gastric genera genus glands habits head Hymenoptera Ibid insects instincts integument Janet labium larva larvæ larvæ and pupæ Lasius latter Leptothorax living mandibles Mayr metathorax molefaciens muscles Myrmecocystus myrmecology myrmecophiles Myrmica rubra Myrmicinæ nerve nuptial flight observations opening organs Original pair parasitic peculiar pedicel petiole Pheidole plants Pogonomyrmex Polyergus polymorphism Ponera Ponerinæ portion posterior queen region rufa sanguinea sclerites seeds seen segment sensillæ social soil Solenopsis species specimens sting structure subfamilies subgen subsericea subsp surface Tetramorium Texas thorax tion tropical ventral Wasmann wasps Wheeler wings workers Zool
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Stran 246 - ... though no man has anything, yet they are all rich; for what can make a man so rich as to lead a serene and cheerful life, free from anxieties; neither apprehending want himself, nor vexed with the endless complaints of his wife? He is not afraid of the misery of his children, nor is he contriving how to raise a portion for his daughters, but is secure in this, that both he and his wife, his children and grandchildren, to as many generations as he can fancy, will all live both plentifully and...
Stran 506 - Wer will was Lebendigs erkennen und beschreiben, Sucht erst den Geist herauszutreiben, Dann hat er die Teile in seiner Hand, Fehlt, leider! nur das geistige Band.
Stran 541 - I observed him separate the tail and the head from the body part, to which the wings were attached. He then took the body part in his paws, and rose about two feet from the ground with it; but a gentle breeze wafting the wings of the fly turned him round in the air, and he settled again with his prey upon the gravel. I then distinctly observed him cut off with his mouth, first one of the wings, and then the other, after which he flew away with it unmolested by the wind.
Stran 256 - On approaching, a dense body of the ants, three or four yards wide, and so numerous as to blacken the ground, would be seen moving rapidly in one direction, examining every cranny, and underneath every fallen leaf. On the flanks, and in advance of the main body, smaller columns would be pushed out. These smaller columns would generally first flush the cockroaches, grasshoppers, and spiders. The pursued insects would rapidly make off, but many, in their confusion and terror, would bound right into...
Stran 257 - Here and there one of the light-coloured officers moves backwards and forwards directing the columns. Such a column is of enormous length, and contains many thousands if not millions of individuals. I have sometimes followed them up for two or three hundred yards without getting to the end.
Stran 115 - Wheeler feels that we are therefore "compelled to agree with Weismann that the characters that enable us to differentiate the castes must be somehow represented in the egg. We may grant this, however, without accepting his conception of representative...
Stran 312 - The leaf-cutting ants attacked the young plants, and defoliated them, but I have never seen any of the trees out on the savannahs that are guarded by the Pseudomyrma touched by them, and have no doubt the acacia is protected from them by its little warriors. The thorns, when they are first developed, are soft, and filled with a sweetish, pulpy substance ; so that the ant, when it makes an entrance into them, finds its new house full of food. It hollows this out, leaving only the hardened shell of...
Stran 263 - The armies of E. vastator and E. erratica move, as far as I could learn, wholly under covered roads, the ants constructing them gradually but rapidly as they advance. The column of foragers pushes forward step by step, under the protection of these covered passages, through the thickets, and on reaching a rotting log, or other promising hunting-ground, pour into the crevices in search of booty.
Stran 258 - ... that offer suitable hollows. A nest that I came across in the latter situation was open at one side. The ants were clustered together in a dense mass, like a great swarm of bees, hanging from the roof, but reaching to the ground below. Their innumerable long legs looked like brown threads binding together the mass, which must have been at least a cubic yard in bulk, and contained hundreds of thousands of individuals, although many columns were outside, some bringing in the pupae of ants, others...
Stran 263 - I could learn, wholly under covered roads, the ants constructing them gradually but rapidly as they advance. The column of foragers pushes forward step by step under the protection of these covered passages, through the thickets, and on reaching a rotting log or other promising hunting-ground, pour into the crevices in search of booty. I have traced their arcades, occasionally, for a distance of one or two hundred yards ; the grains of earth are taken from the soil over which the column is passing,...