Arithmetic step by step, by H. Combes and E. Hines, Part 11866 |
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17 dwts answers in words arithm ARITHMETIC bought days 15 hrs divide divisor drams dred eighty-four eighty-seven eleven shillings fifty fifty-six figures Find the cost Find the value five thousand forty-seven fourpenny pieces fourteen gallons guineas half-crowns half-sovereigns halfpence halfpenny hhds hundred and eighty hundred and forty-six hundred and six hundred and sixty-two long division miles million nine hundred multiply Ninety ounces pair pence penny place and carry pounds ten shillings qrts Reduce scru Seven thousand seventy shillings and eightpence shillings and sixpence shillings and tenpence six thousand sixteen shillings sixty subtract sums at sight thousand and five thousand eight hundred thousand five hundred thousand four hundred thousand seven hundred thousand six hundred thousand two hundred three farthings tons twenty-eight worth write the answers yards
Popular passages
Page 43 - SQUARE MEASURE 144 square inches (sq. in.) = 1 square foot (sq. ft.) 9 square feet = 1 square yard (sq. yd.) 30| square yards = 1 square rod (sq. rd.) 160 square rods = 1 acre (A.) 640 acres = 1 square mile (sq.
Page 44 - Measures of Time. 60 seconds (sec.) = 1 minute (min.) 60 minutes = 1 hour (hr.) 24...
Page 44 - LIQUID MEASURE 4 gills (gi.) = 1 pint (pt.) 2 pints = 1 quart (qt...
Page 44 - Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November : February has twenty-eight alone, And all the rest have thirty-one : But leap-year coming once in four, February then has one day more.
Page 43 - Troy Weight. 24 grains (gr.) - 1 pennyweight (dwt.) 20 pennyweights — 1 ounce (oz.) 12 ounces — 1 pound (1b.).
Page 24 - A man divided his property between his three children so that the eldest received twice as much as the second, and the second twice as much as the youngest.
Page 9 - There are sixty minutes in an hour, and twenty-four hours in a day...
Page 42 - TABLE. 16 drams, (drs.) make 1 ounce, - marked - oz. 16 ounces ----- 1 pound, ----- lb. 28 pounds - - - , - - 1 quarter, ----- qr. 4 quarters ----- 1 hundred weight, - - cwt. 20 hundred weight - - 1 ton, ------ T.
Page 43 - LONG MEASURE. 12 inches (in.) make 1 foot, ft. 3 feet "1 yard, yd. 5£ yards, or 16¿- feet, " 1 rod, rd. 40 rods " 1 furlong, fur. 8 furlongs, or 320 rods,
Page 1 - Ten figures are used to express numbers. 0 = naught or cipher. 5 = five. 1 = one. 6 = six. 2 = two. 7 = seven. 3 = three. 8 = eight. 4 = four. 9 = nine.