Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman ProvinceRoutledge, 14 במרץ 2005 - 322 עמודים First published in 2005. With updated documents including papyri, inscriptions and ostraka, this book casts fresh and original light on the administration and economy issues faced with the transition of Egypt from an allied kingdom of Rome to a province of the Roman Empire. |
1 | |
5 | |
Chapter Three Ptolemaic and Roman Soldiers in Egypt before and after 30 BC | 13 |
The Impact of Rome | 25 |
Chapter Five The Roman Conquest Law and the Administration of Justice | 51 |
Municipalisation and Liturgies | 65 |
Chapter Seven The Beginning of the Census | 83 |
Chapter Eight The Reorganisation of Landholding | 97 |
Chapter Ten The Coinage and the Monetary Circulation from Cleopatra to Tiberius | 157 |
Chapter Eleven Conclusion | 169 |
Appendix The Fasti of the Prefects of Egypt under Augustus and Tiberi us | 179 |
Notes | 187 |
253 | |
283 | |
287 | |
291 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province <span dir=ltr>Livia Capponi</span> תצוגה מקדימה מוגבלת - 2005 |
Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province <span dir=ltr>Livia Capponi</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2013 |
Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province <span dir=ltr>Livia Capponi</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2005 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
According Alexandria Alexandrian citizens aroura Arsinoite nome Athenodoros Augustan period Augustus Auletes Bagnall BGU VIII BGU XVI Caesar called capitation taxes census century BC Chapter chora Claudius Cleopatra continued conventus Cornelius Gallus dioiketes documents drachmas earliest early Roman period edict Egyptian emperor epikrisis estates evidence Flaccus freedmen Gallus Gara Geraci Gnomon Greek cities gymnasiarch Herakleopolite hypothesised idios logos imperial slave Julius katoikic land katoikoi laographia lease levied Lewis liturgies Montevecchi obols Octavian officials oikos ousia ousiai Oxyrhynchus P.Lond P.Mich P.Oxy P.Ryl P.Tebt papyrus Parássoglou 1978 payment poll tax possible praktores Préaux prefect priests probably Ptolemaic period receipts reference reign of Augustus revenues Roman citizens Roman conquest Roman Egypt Roman law Roman province Roman rule Rome second century seems soldiers status Strabo strategos suggested tax collectors tax farmers temples term tetradrachm Thebaid Theon Tiberius Julius Alexander tion toparch village W.Chr Wallace Youtie καὶ τῶν