Bramble; the Dog Who Wanted to Live Forever. the Somerset Notes

Front Cover
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Apr 24, 2013 - Pets - 106 pages
Bramble the Welsh collie was,at the time of her death the worlds oldest bitch. This is her story and a record of her life . It is also the story of her human companions and a record of her diet and care regime. It will enable people to promote longevity in Animals in their care and provides food for thought on how an understanding of Animal rights can contribute to dogs leading longer lives.It is set in the back drop of Somerset, in the uk, the land of the summer people and touches on the lives of the Somerset working class from the nineteen fifties to the present day.

About the author (2013)

Anne Heritage is an Animal rights and enviromental activist. Born in the fifties she evolved a vegan diet and care regime which enabled collie Bramble to become the worlds oldest dog. Anne is a master of art,who trained as a counsellor,and lives and campaigns in Somerset.

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