British Books in PrintJ. Whitaker, 1967 |
J British Pacific Locomotives 2r e 63 D8 240 121ill | i |
Memorials of the House of Hatchards Humphreys F4 | ix |
Roberts S C History of the Cambridge University Press 18521921 D8 | xv |
An Address | lxxiv |
G Allen | lxxv |
Roberts W Earlier History of English Bookselling S Low 189 | lxxix |
in 1868 | 1 |
ALEXANDER W B Birds of Ocean n e 55 F8 xii 282 140ill 21 Putnam | 2 |
The Secret Place and Other Poems sF4 48 Col ill Scholastic | 1431 |
B W G BATE Commercial School Cert Arith C8 110 | 1433 |
Constable | 1437 |
ANNAN Lord The Disintegration of an Old Culture D8 32 Romanes Lect | 1439 |
BALZAC H De Conjugal Life 15 Spearman | 1440 |
ADAMS J T E STIERI Complete Woodworking Handbook D8 568 Ill d | 1442 |
Third and Fourth Years | 1443 |
AGUILAR O L C Ed Traditional India 1C8 192 Spectrum Bks sd 16 | 1445 |
J British Railways M8 Ill Ill Teach Yourself S bds | 8 |
Minerva Press Publicity sd Bibliog Soc 40 | 11 |
I Ed Blood Vessels and Lymphatics 162 96 | 31 |
ADAMS | 42 |
Blackwell Basil A New Order in the Book Trade? sd Soc of Bookmen 43 | 43 |
ATLEE P The Silken Baroness sC8 142 Gold Medal Bks sd 26 Muller | 45 |
ADLER K The Art of Accompanying and Coaching D4 268 264figs | 56 |
APPLEYARD A About Home Made Wines C8 64 sd 5 Thorsons 12 | 57 |
ALVAREZ W C Pract Leads to Puzzling Diagnoses 58 M8 490 | 58 |
Play sd 19 Deane | 59 |
Its History and Development Davenport Пl Constable | 60 |
ADAMS Sir J Students Guide 38 1F8 256 Teach Yourself S 6 Eng U | 61 |
ABRAMSON H A etc Electrophoresis of Proteins and the Chemistry | 65 |
ANDERSON R W Party Politics in Puerto Rico M8 284 54 Stanford U P | 66 |
J Eagle New Book of Trains r e 192 205ill 15 Odhams | 67 |
Memoirs of John Almon Bookseller of Piccadilly Almon | 68 |
l 30 Arco | 71 |
ATTAR F AlD Muslim Saints and Mystics D8 294 Persian Heritage | 74 |
INT 190 | 77 |
ALEXANDRE P M ROLAND Voir Londres et Mourir F8 192 Livre | 80 |
BALLOU R O Ed Pocket Wld Bible 48 F8 599 sd 6 cl 126 Routledge | 85 |
Memorial of George Palmer Putnam privately printed 12 | 87 |
AINSWORTH G C K SAMPSON British Smut Fungi 8vo 137 21111 | 91 |
Capitalism in Amsterdam in 17th Century 163 172 28 | 92 |
ARUTYUNYAN N K Some Problems in the Theory of Creep in Concrete Museum P 7 | 93 |
ALEXANDROFF P S Intro to Theory of Groups Tr Perfect Petersen | 95 |
ANDERSEN H C Fairy Tales 166 SD4 100 70 col 111 bas 96 163 08 | 96 |
BAND W Intro to Math Physics 159 R8 xiv 326 90ill Univ Physics | 100 |
sd | 103 |
Constable | 104 |
ADORNO T W etc Authoritarian Personality 50 60 Harper | 105 |
BARBU Z Democracy and Dictatorship 156 D8 300 Internat Lib of | 106 |
Cambridge University Press Notes on Its History and Development | 107 |
H Ed Bibliog of Indian Law 158 C8 80 | 109 |
ARMSTRONG WARREN White for Danger 164 16 Elek | 111 |
lerMac | 112 |
ANDERSEN H C Fairy Tales and Legends 135 D8 472 11 R Whistler | 113 |
ASIMOV | 117 |
ANDERSON T W Intro to Multivariate Statistical Analysis 158 R8 374 ПІ | 118 |
ARISTOPHANES Frogs The Ed Stanford 2e 63 F8 lx 212 Class | 122 |
The Development | 123 |
J Introductory Mycology 2e 62 R8 613 54 65 | 124 |
L Ed Gun The Forester 159 C8 Notes on Chosen Eng Texts | 126 |
Sayle R T D Notes on the Southeast Corner of Chancery Lane 11191929 | 127 |
AMATEUR Basketball Assn Basketball 4r e 61 M8 32 42ill Know | 128 |
ALLEN J J CULLIMORE Sovereigns of the British Empire D8 60 III | 129 |
ARISTOPHANES Knights The C8 Kellys Interlinear Keys 2 Brodie | 130 |
BANDSMA A T R T BRANDT Camera Studies of the Small World II 136 | 134 |
BARBU Z Problems of Historical Psychology 60 D8 248 Internat Lib | 138 |
Miller G Latter Struggles in the Journey of Life of a Country Bookseller | 140 |
Self and Partners Mostly Self C J Holmes Ill Constable | 141 |
J Locomotive Practice and Performance in the Twentieth Century | 142 |
Sisson Parker Ltd A Short Account 18541924 III sd Sisson 24 | 147 |
L Ed Ship The Forester 60 C8 Notes on Chosen Eng Texts | 148 |
Breeding Rearing and Management 40 149 D8 168 | 149 |
ANDERSEN H C Fairy Tales and Stories Tr R Spink sC8 432 Evman | 150 |
BADGER G M Structures and Reaction of Aromatic Compounds 54 | 151 |
ALCOCK R C C W MEREDITH British Postage Stamp Varieties Illustrated | 152 |
Campbell G A Making of a Book 111 26 Oxf U P 155 | 155 |
tending | 158 |
ARMSTRONG W A Elizabethan Private Theatres 158 D8 18 2ill sd | 159 |
BAILEY S D A Guide to Switzerland for School Visits F8 160 III | 163 |
301 | 165 |
The Expanding Book Market R E Barker D8 60 P | 168 |
ALCOCK T Rorschach in Practice 163 M8 276 111 63 Tavistock | 169 |
AMATEUR GARDENING Photo Album of Garden Plants R6 192 III 126 | 171 |
A Report of the Public Library Inquiry D8 | 172 |
ANDERSEN H C Little Plays from Andersen Ed Holroyd 64 C8 64 | 173 |
BALE A A Makers Handbook 149 C8 96 sd 16 S P C | 180 |
BAILEY S D Secretariat of United Nations 2r e 64 D8 112 sd 126 | 186 |
I J P NORRIS Atlas of Endodontic Technique C4 | 188 |
R Governing Urban Amer 61 Pol Sci S 64 McGraw | 190 |
M Little Men 62 sd 5 63 cl 21CollierMac | 194 |
V Ed Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance M8 | 197 |
ARISTOPHANES Peace The Ed Platnauer 64 C8 302 25 | 200 |
Editor Author and Publisher Bradsher Columbia U | 204 |
N Against Great Odds 55 D8 112 15 Sifton | 205 |
ALFARABI ArabicLatin Writings on Music Tr Farmer 2r e 60 | 222 |
M Little Men 56 C8 Col fr Prize Lib 6 n e 62 C8 | 224 |
Bloodstream 61 sd 76 CollierMac | 228 |
Of Tyranny Ed Tr Molinaro Corrigan 61 M8 156 6ill | 229 |
M Little Women C8 26 Dean | 231 |
Of Time and Space and Other Things C8 204 25Dobson 4 | 237 |
ASCH S From Many Countries 58 1C8 384 16 Macd Co ASHCROFT D J El Examen Oral C8 107 Ill limp 5 Tchrs cl 126 | 238 |
Book About Books F Harrison C8 6J Murray | 241 |
ANGLUND J W A Book of Good Tidings M32 32 111 some col | 244 |
The Search for the Elements sC8 144 111 Crest S n e sd | 249 |
APPLEZWEIG N Steroid Drugs 62 10 McGraw | 250 |
N London Scottish in Second World War 153 D8 35 Clowes | 253 |
M Caring for the Individual Patient 62 D4 240 Ill sd | 255 |
jt author SEE DOLE S H I ASIMOV | 257 |
BARCLAY O R Christians Approach to University Life 63 C8 64 sd | 259 |
ict | 262 |
M Little Women Ed M W G Thomas C8 176 III Shorter | 269 |
Sixty Years as a Publisher Holt D8 lx 460 111 Allen | 271 |
dbook | 273 |
BANERJEA A K Philosophy of Gorakhnata D8 332 Col fr 45 Probsthain | 274 |
ANGLUND J W Christmas is a Time of Giving 162 F8 32 5 Collins | 278 |
Carrick J C William Creech Robert Burnss Best Friend F8 03 | 279 |
ASCHNER B Arthritis Can be Cured 59 18 Elek ASHDOWN M S C BROWN Social Service and Mental Health 53 D8 | 280 |
ARISTOPHANES Theatre Complet v 1 2 Tr into French V H Debidour | 288 |
ASKWITH H Complete Gde to Garden Flowers 50 Yoseloff | 293 |
Smith S Nowell The House of Cassell 18481958 suR8 x 299 111 | 300 |
ANDERSEN H C Seven Tales Tr Gallienne 59 F4 11 26 Harper | 301 |
ALLIBONE T E Release and Use of Atomic Energy 64 1C8 Univ | 302 |
Carter W Autobiography and Reminiscence 180789 01 | 306 |
M Little Women F8 Class S 66 Winchester Class S | 313 |
Catalogue Illustrative of the History of the House of John Murray R8 31 | 316 |
BARCLAY O R Guidance 3e 162 C8 48 sd 2 InterVarsity | 323 |
ARISTOPHANES Works Ed F W Hall Geldart 2e 0607 2v | 324 |
Catchpole P A Fifty Years with the Cambridge U P 18821932 C8 34 | 326 |
ANDERSEN H C The Snow Queen and Other Tales sC8 318 Signet | 327 |
BALES R F T PARSONS Family Socialization and Interaction Process | 330 |
ASLIN E Nineteenth Cent Eng Furniture 62 C4 93 107ill 4col Mon | 334 |
The Book of Libel 8D8 454 50 Yoseloff 1 | 336 |
Garden Spider Spins to Eat 64 F4 52 Col ill Life Cycle | 337 |
ANDERSEN H C Stories from Andersen C8 127 Scol pl Told to Children | 342 |
AMATEUR Gymnastic Assn Gymnastics 55 M8 40 65ill Know the Game | 352 |
Censorship of Books Daniels C8 133 W R Holmes | 360 |
BARCLAY W Acts 153 C8 213 Daily Study Bible S limp 86 cl | 362 |
ADAMS JOHN 1 Diary and Autobiography Ed Butterfield etc 61 4v | 363 |
Louis XIV of France 1C8 190 30 J Messner | 365 |
ABRAMSON N Information Theory and Coding 63 Electronic Sci S | 370 |
APSLEY Lady L EDWARDS Foxhunters Bedside Book 149 F8 584 27ill | 373 |
cken | 374 |
Century of Best Sellers 18301930 Flower D8 24 Nat Book Council | 383 |
ANDERSEN H C Tales 158 R4 58 III Splendour Bks 15W H Allen | 393 |
ANDERSEN H C Thumbelina 62 76 CollierMac | 401 |
AMES W F Ed Nonlinear Problems of Engineering M8 252 Ill | 409 |
Cheap Books and How to Get Them J Chapman D8 iv 54 Chapman | 413 |
Fenn G M Memoir of Benjamin Franklin Stevens C8 III privately printed | 421 |
jt author SEE TORNBERG A M ANGSTROM | 423 |
AMIOT F etc Sources for Life of Christ Tr P J H Scott 62 C8 128 | 429 |
I Role of Light in Photosynthesis 60 D4 13 III Sci Amer | 439 |
jt editor SEE BRANDT K C APSTEIN Ed | 441 |
BAKER J A The Peregrine sD8 191 21 Collins 3 | 444 |
ARCHITECTURAL RECORD Motels Hotels Restaurants and Bars 60 | 445 |
Beckoning Lady n e sC8 sd 26 Penguin | 448 |
ANDERSEN J The Man from the Mountains C8 188 136 Mills B 6 | 451 |
ADAMS JOHN 1 The Earliest Diary Ed L H Butterfield etc M8 144 | 461 |
BAILEY S D The United Nations 63 D8 141 sd 126 cl 286 Pall Mall | 463 |
ALGAR S M Welding 62 C8 163 15 Arco | 471 |
6 | 474 |
Pathologic Physiology Tr fr Russian D Myshne F4 | 475 |
From Newton to Einstein 2e | 482 |
2e 63 | 483 |
Clark T T The Publishing House of T T Clark Edinburgh | 489 |
BALES R F jt author SEE PARSONS T R F BALES | 490 |
Collins W Sons Co Ltd The Story of a Great Business C4 44 111 | 497 |
ADRIANI J Ed Appraisal of Current Concepts in Anaesthesiology v | 504 |
Tiger in the Smoke n e sC8 sd 36 Penguin | 506 |
Commercial Circulating Libraries and the Price of Books Pollard D8 10 | 509 |
M An Old Fashioned Girl sC8 292 New Lib of Famous | 514 |
ANDERSEN S B Metabolism of Human Gamma Globulin M8 148 15ill | 516 |
BARCLAY W First Three Gospels sC8 320 sd 106 S C M P 10 | 517 |
M Lorenzo Dei Medici and Renaissance Italy 55 1F8 188 | 519 |
P L FALB Optimal Control M8 879 d 8 McGraw 5 | 521 |
ANDERSON A Readings for Adults 57 C8 56 sd 3 Pick I | 523 |
ALGER P L The Nature of Induction Machines D8 516 182figs tabs | 533 |
AMATEUR Swimming Assn Survival Swimming 164 C8 20 19ill Play | 534 |
ALGERMISSEN K Christian Sects Tr J R Foster 62 C8 128 Faith | 541 |
AMATEUR Swimming Assn Swimming to Win 163 M8 32 30ill Know | 543 |
ANDERSON ANNE Story of Bromborough 64 sC8 64 12ill 76 A Anderson | 554 |
ALGREN N Book of Lonesome Monsters n e 64 sC8 208 sd 36 Panther | 559 |
S SanskritEnglish Dict Ed Gode Karve r e 57159 3v | 563 |
BARCLAY W Hebrews 155 C8 231 Daily Study Bible S limp 86 cl | 571 |
Book Buyers Handbook 184849 Amer Booksellers Assn A B | 580 |
Book Making and Bookselling Gomme Gentlemans | 587 |
AMATEUR Volley Ball Assn of Great Britain Volleyball 2e 64 M8 36 | 590 |
21 Wlds | 592 |
ARMSTRONG W A Ed Experimental Drama C8 224 12ill 16 G Bell | 603 |
ADY P H jt editor SEE WORSWICK G D N P H ADY Ed | 605 |
Conference Proceedings | 608 |
S jt editor SEE GESELL A C S AMATRUDA | 611 |
ATTREE E Joyous Continental Holidays 59 C8 40 4 A J Chapple | 615 |
BAILEY T GRAHAME Urdu 150 1F8 356 Teach Yourself S 76 Eng U | 618 |
Morgan Scott Ltd The House of Morgan Scott Ltd D8 16 Ill Marshall | 621 |
ASPDEN E Pip of Oakwood C8 36 8ill sd 36 Stockwell 11 | 626 |
Pop as Art C4 128 48ill 16col 45 Studio Vista 10 | 645 |
An Introduction to His Work suR8 87 II | 651 |
BANERJEA J N Development of Hindu Iconography 2r e 156 R8 xxvii | 653 |
S Social and Religious Life in Grihya Sutras 2e 154 8vo xxxii 280 | 668 |
ASPDEN J A jt author SEE SPEED E D J A ASPDEN | 678 |
xii 408 III tabs 60 | 679 |
R jt author SEE BLACKMAN A M M R APTED | 687 |
Fisher T The Present Circumstances of Literary Property in England | 692 |
Eastern Churches Stud in Comparative Relig sd 1 C T | 694 |
Foulis Press The Gaskell D8 432 161ll Soho Bibliogs 1010 HartDavis | 703 |
E Lung and Its Disorders in New Born Infant 64 M8 224 11 | 707 |
M Under the Lilacs sC8 240 New Lib of Famous Bks n | 718 |
F Methods Engineering 62 D8 208 4ill 30 Macd | 720 |
ADAMS JOHN 1 Legal Papers 3v Ed K L Wroth H B Zobel M8 1380 | 722 |
ARISTOTLE Ars Rhetorica Ed Sir W D Ross 59 C8 Oxf Classical Texts | 723 |
E The Politics of Modernization M8 xvi 481 20figs 56 Univ | 732 |
BAILEY W ROBERT E G SCOTT Diagnostic Microbiology C4 342 | 733 |
ANDERSON W etc Government in the Fifty States r e 60 54 Holt R | 734 |
APTHEKER H Essays in the Hist of the American Negro D8 216 | 743 |
The House of Macmillan 18431943 Macmillan 43 | 748 |
Morgan G E R C Morgan His Life and Times C8 privately printed 09 | 758 |
John XXIII Tr Ryde 63 D8 272 26ill 30 Darton | 762 |
ATHERTON J Dickens Great Expectations C8 59 Guides to Lit | 781 |
BADGLEY P C Structural and Tectonic Principles | 784 |
Lost Islands 61 1C8 175 l 126 Methuen | 786 |
AELFRIC Colloquy Ed Garmonsway C8 Old Eng Lib 5 Methuen | 800 |
Constable | 805 |
AELIAN Letters AND Letters Philostratus WITH Letters Alciphron | 813 |
BAILHA CHE J Great Britain Tr fr French sC8 192 III Travel | 819 |
APTHEKER H Mission to Hanoi IC8 128 III New Wld Pbs sd | 825 |
C T Introduction to Calculus SC8 254 11 sd 15 cl 21 Newnes | 827 |
ALLIS W P M A HERLIN Thermodynam and Statist Mech 52 Internat | 833 |
52 Luzac | 841 |
ANDERSON J MAITLAND Ed Matric Roll of Univ of St Andrews 17471897 | 849 |
ALHILLI H B Treatise on Prin of Shiite Theol Tr W M Miller | 863 |
ABRUQUAH J W The Catechist C8 202 10 Allen U 3 | 880 |
ANDERSON W A DOUGLAS Synopsis of Pathology 6r e 64 Post8 | 883 |
ADAMS JOHN 2 Suffering of the Best 5 T T Clark | 887 |
ATHOLL Duchess of Tragedy of Warsaw and its Documentation 54 | 891 |
Ed Mod Eur Verse 164 C8 48 Pckt Poet S sd 3 Studio Vista | 914 |
APULEIUS Golden Ass 62 sd 46 CollierMac | 918 |
ALLEN PERCIVAL History of Music 61 1F8 320 72ill Teach Yourself | 919 |
Penguin Dictionary of Saints sC8 368 sd 6 Penguin 4 | 926 |
AINSWORTH G C A S SUSSMAN Ed The Fungi | 955 |
ALCYONE At Feet of Master sfd Bijou e sd 6d cl 16 stand e sd 13 | 961 |
The Story of Bestsellers in the U S 357 206 | 962 |
Food and Entertaining 64 C8 11 | 969 |
M Faith in God 2e 64 D8 308 30 Faber | 983 |
AINSWORTH J Ed Inchiquin Manuscripts Earls of Inchiquin 61 M8 | 989 |
Pollard A W Commercial Circulating Libraries and the Price of Books | 991 |
ALLEN PERCIVAL The Orchestra M8 126 II Ill Teach Yourself | 993 |
ARDIZZONE E Diana and Her Rhinoceros 64 R6 32 l 126 Bodley Head | 994 |
C T O Level Tests in Arith 56 n e C8 142 31ill 76 | 995 |
ARDIZZONE E Peter the Wanderer 63 C4 46 126 | 1001 |
AKURGAL E Art of the Hittites 62 R4 316 174ill 24col Stand Lib | 1007 |
ATKINS G Ed Asger Jorns Aarhus Mural 64 obR6 16 3col | 1013 |
AELRED St of RIEVAULX De Anima Ed Talbot 52 Med Renaissance | 1020 |
Expansion or Deadlock W G Taylor sd Soc of Book | 1021 |
VAL Ed Tastes of Love sC8 160 n e sd 36 Four Square | 1029 |
ADDISON W Essex Heyday n e 53 D8 340 35ill 86 Dent | 1031 |
ALDEN J R American Revolution III Torchbks sd 16 Harper | 1034 |
BALFOUR A P Annual and Biennial Flowers 63 D8 160 III some col | 1049 |
ALLEN P W Ed Technqs of Polymer Characterization 59 D8 256 | 1051 |
William Beckford D8 320 | 1059 |
BAKER E A Hist of Eng Novel 10v ea 42 set 21 Witherby | 1063 |
ALPERN H J MARTEL Ed Novela de un Novelista Valdés Abr e 31 | 1066 |
APULEIUS Golden Ass sC8 Classics S sd 5 Penguin | 1068 |
ALPERT H For Immediate Release IC8 228 21 W H Allen 12 | 1073 |
BAKER E C A Quide to Records in the Leeward Islands R8 x 102 | 1074 |
AINSWORTH R Far Away Children 63 C8 104 15ill 126 Heinemann | 1076 |
Russian Classics in Soviet Jackets D8 xx 228 tab | 1079 |
AQUARIUS Isaiah 63 C8 44 bds 26 Regency | 1082 |
ALDEN J R Rise of American Republic 163 75 Harper | 1101 |
BAKER E FAULKNER Technology and Womans Work R8 476 | 1107 |
DALE Good Health and Common Sense 61 D8 272 11 | 1113 |
BAKER EDWARD W G W WHARTON Intro to Acarology 52 55 | 1115 |
ARMYTAGE P By the Clock of St James 27 D8 III 18 J Murray | 1116 |
ARENDT E Ed SEE JASPERS K The Great Philosophers | 1119 |
AMISS J M F D JONES Use of Handbook Tables and Formulas | 1121 |
BALTHARPE J Straights Voyage or St Davids Poem Ed Bromley Luttrell | 1133 |
BARCLAY W James and Peter 158 C8 415 Daily Study Bible S limp 86 | 1153 |
ASPEL A D JUSTICE Ed Contemporary French Poetry C8 208 | 1157 |
BALGARNIE W H B J HAYES Ed Bacchae Euripides Tr 36 Univ | 1163 |
An Autobiography D8 viii 224 l | 1167 |
ADAMS J CRANFORD Globe Playhouse 2e D8 240 Пl 63 Constable | 1172 |
ABT A F F H GARRISON History of Pediatrics 1M8 316 111 806 | 1173 |
BAILLY R Larousse Dict des Synonymes 59 D8 xiii 626 38 Bailey Bros | 1175 |
BARCLAY W Plain Mans Book of Prayers 59 SC8 128 76 96 Fontana | 1177 |
AMBIRAJAN S The Taxation of Corporate Income in India D8 315 50Asia | 1181 |
ANIZOBA R The Adventures of Mbugwe the Fly D8 96 III Little Bkshelf | 1184 |
ABLEMAN P Green Julia C8 64 sd 6 cl 15 Methuen 5 | 1191 |
ARNAKIS G GreekEnglish Dictionary 60 F32 512 10 Bailey Bros | 1192 |
Mumby F A House of Routledge 18341934 and Other Associated Firms | 1193 |
J Switzerlands Amazing Railways F4 192 102ill 3r e | 1198 |
Selected Papers 192161 | 1199 |
Murray John Ltd John Murray and A H Hallam Versus Walter and Others | 1203 |
Oxf U P 3 | 1211 |
ANDERSON W B Ed Livy Bk 9 r e 128 F8 xxiv 276 1M Pitt Press | 1214 |
ADAM K Christ of Faith 76 Herder | 1215 |
ATKINS S H Shakespeares Henry IV Pt 1 Guides to Lit S 36 | 1217 |
ALDER J I A HANCOCK British Tunicata 0512 v 13 8vo 111 126 | 1219 |
Longmans | 1220 |
AINSWORTH R Rufty Tufty Runs Away 57 C8 94 14ill 96 Heinemann | 1221 |
The Gilbert and Sullivan Book C4 475 III 11col n i | 1222 |
Book of Verse R6 40 Col ill Gold Medal S bds 5 Dean | 1225 |
Forte W of the Munsey Publishing House Munseokshop 190425 C8 10 Foyle | 1227 |
An Approach to Design in Metal D8 168 figs 18 Macmillan | 1229 |
ARASARATNAM S Ceylon 1C8 182 Spectrum Bks sd 16 cl | 1231 |
AMOS S W D C BIRKINSHAW Television Engineering 5663 v 1 2 4 | 1233 |
J Two Million Miles of Train Travel M8 224 Ill | 1235 |
ADDLE SHAW G W O Chester Cathedral C4 24 l Pride of Britain | 1237 |
112 fl w | 1242 |
AMBROSE A M LAZEROWITZ Fundamentals of Symbolic Logic r e 162 | 1245 |
ANDERSON W D Matthew Arnold and Classical Tradition M8 320 | 1247 |
AMOSOFF H M Russian Surgeon Tr fr Russian G St George D8 223 | 1248 |
AMBROSE E J F J C ROE The Biology of Cancer M8 272 124111 | 1253 |
B Inorg Ionexchanges 64 D8 136 36ill 40 Elsevier | 1254 |
BALUKHATY S D Ed Seagull Produced by Stanislavsky Chekhov | 1257 |
AMBROSE E R Heat Pumps and Electric Heating M8 222 d 86 Wiley | 1262 |
ANKERSMIT K S Beginners Guide to Ciné Photography 162 C8 140 | 1264 |
ASHERSON N Identification by Frontal Sinus Prints R8 xiv 80 35ill | 1265 |
AINSWORTH R Wolf Who Was Sorry 164 108 96 17ill 126 Heinemann | 1272 |
AELRED St of RIEVAULX Pastoral Prayer Tr Religious of C S M V | 1274 |
J Sources of Information on Atomic Energy M8 256 | 1280 |
ARNDT H W Australian Trading Banks 2e 60 D8 236 III 30 Angus | 1282 |
ANKLESARIA B T Tr Zandi Vohuman Yasn AND Two Pahlavi Fragments | 1287 |
BADIAN E Foreign Clientelae 58 R8 354 63 | 1291 |
ARNDT W Does Bible Contradict Itself? 55 C8 173 sd 106 Concordia | 1292 |
Ill Tell You a Tale R6 24 Col ill sd 26 Dean 4 | 1297 |
F Fear Love and Worship 63 C8 144 sd 6 S P C | 1303 |
K Pharmacology for Practical Nurses C8 163 II 2r | 1311 |
ANDERSON CHARLES Emily Dickinsons Poetry 63 D8 352 42 Heinemann | 1312 |
ARISTOTLE Book of Animals Ed J N Mattock Tr fr Arabic C4 128 Arabic | 1313 |
A Little Bird Told Me Another Story C8 24 Col ill Little | 1315 |
Book of the Private Press Rae G H Taylor C8 xvi 48 sd 106 Signet | 1316 |
Some Account of the Oxford University Press 14681926 O U P M8 133 ПІ | 1317 |
AINSWORTH R R RIDOUT Look Ahead Rdrs 56158 Bks 18 | 1319 |
A Boy in the Night Tr fr French R P A Edwards 108 160 | 1321 |
ACANTHUS Ancestral Manners 11 5 Builder | 1325 |
L G W WILLIAMS British and Amer Essays 190556 59 | 1329 |
Practical Tables Series 5v Cwealth Lit ea 76 Pergamon | 1332 |
ALLEN R D Amoeboid Movt 62 D4 10 Ill Sci Amer Offprint sd | 1336 |
ALLEN Sir C KEMP Aspects of Justice 58 30 Stevens Sons | 1340 |
ALLEN R D N KAMIYA Ed Primitive Motile Systems in Cell Biol 64 | 1348 |
L Life and Letters of Alexander Macmillan M8 vi 418 III 126 | 1349 |
In Igbo Official Orthography 64 | 1352 |
Murray John Ltd John Murray 50 Albemarle St 17681930 C8 13 | 1354 |
Play C8 sd 2S French | 1355 |
Arrow of God 64 1C8 304 25 Heinemann | 1358 |
BANFIELD E C Government Project 51 35 CollierMac | 1361 |
H Young Louis Braille 164 1C8 III Fam Childhood | 1363 |
A Brief Memoir C8 x 106 l | 1365 |
AINSWORTH W H Old St Pauls F8 Schl Class S 59 Nelson | 1366 |
ARISTOTLE Categoriae Ed Paluello 49 C8 Oxf Classical Texts 18 | 1367 |
Cyprus in History D8 426 Ill 63 Zeno 55 | 1370 |
ADAMS J O Magic and Mystery of Words 63 28 Holt R | 1371 |
Printers and Publishers Devices in England and Scotland 14851630 | 1373 |
National Book League An Appeal to Bookmen Il N B L 50 | 1375 |
ALLEN R G D Basic Mathematics 62 D8 xii512 36 Macmillan | 1379 |
Net Book System Booksellers Assn C16 8 B | 1381 |
ARNOW H S Flowering of the Cumberland 63 55 CollierMac | 1385 |
ALEXANDER F MATTHIAS Use of Self 4e 57 D8 II 126 Reeduc Pubns | 1388 |
Judaism and Christianity D8 200 Torchbks sd 12 Harper | 1391 |
ALLEN R G D On the Decline in the Value of Money 57 Stamp Mem Lects | 1394 |
Chike and the River C8 64 6ill sd 3 Camb U P 1 | 1399 |
BAKER J F jt author SEE PIPPARD A J S J F BAKER | 1400 |
ARGYLE A W God in the New Testament 1C8 208 Knowing Christianity | 1401 |
BALZAC H De At Sign of Cat and Racket and Other Stories Tr C Bell | 1406 |
AISTLEITNER J O EISFELDT Wörterbuch der Ugaritischen Sprache 63 | 1411 |
Pall Mall | 1413 |
ACHESON A Shakespeare Chapman and Sir Thomas More 31 8vo 5ill | 1418 |
BALZAC H De César Birotteau F8 511 Livre de Poche sd 76 Hachette | 1421 |
J New Age C8 viii 360 Ashley Hist 96 G Bell | 1425 |
BARDELL R H A SPITZBART Intermediate Algebra 59 274 24ill 43 | 1427 |
In French Ed Lehmann 55 | 1428 |
ALLEN Sir C KEMP Queens Peace 53 Hamlyn Lects 166 Stevens Sons | 1429 |
Six Figure Trigonometrical Tables 1C8 178 III d sd 176 | 1446 |
ADAMS J V Plastic Arts Crafts 48 D8 147 l 32 Van Nostrand | 1449 |
This People Israel M8 432 42 W H Allen 6 | 1450 |
BAKER G Politics of Reapportionment in Washington State 62 4 Eagleton | 1451 |
ARISTOTLE Constitution of Athens Ed Fritz Kapp 8vo 245 sd | 1453 |
ALPHONSUS LIGOURI St The Passion of Jesus Christ D8 xiv 230 | 1455 |
ALLEN R SANDERS Covered Bridges of the Middle Atlantic States 526 | 1457 |
ADAMS KRAMER Covered Bridges of West 63 R8 148 203ill 48 | 1458 |
BALCHIN N In the Absence of Mrs Petersen 1C8 223 21 Collins 6 | 1463 |
ANDERSON W H LOCKE Corporate Finance and Fixed Investment 1C8 130 | 1464 |
E W Van Graphical Design of Optical Systems 55 C8 160 | 1465 |
ADAMS K F jt author SEE HYDE H A K F ADAMS | 1467 |
BALZAC H De Cousin Bette Tr fr French M A Crawford SC8 472 | 1470 |
AGUILAR P D Drawing Nudes Imp12 56 Ill Drawing Bks sd 6 cl 126 | 1471 |
ARNOBIUS of Sicca Case Against Pagans v 1 Anct Christian Writers | 1478 |
Publisher on Book Production Mare C16 48 sd 16 Dent | 1484 |
BAKER J O Civil Defence and You 51 15ill 56 Jordan | 1485 |
ACHESON H V C Modern Goose Keeping 154 C8 128 III Agric Hort | 1490 |
Fine Crochet 54 C8 viii 47 l sd 66 Pitman | 1492 |
Play sd 5 Deane | 1495 |
ARISTOTLE Metaphysica Ed Jaeger 57 C8 Oxf Classical Texts 25 | 1505 |
BANFIELD E C M MEYERSON Politics Planning and Public Interest 155 | 1510 |
AVIS F C English Printers Marks of the Sixteenth Century M8 64 I | 1511 |
BAEDEKER K Touring Guide to Spain and Portugal 60 sM8 296 60ill | 1512 |
ALLEN DONALD R CHEELEY Ed The New Writing in the U S | 1518 |
New Order in the Book Trade? Blackwell sd Soc of Bookmen | 1525 |
ARISTOTLE Metaphysics Tr H Tredennick WITH Oeconomica Bks IIII | 1526 |
BAEDEKER K Tyrol and Salzburg 61 Pott8 447 178ill 31 M 40 Allen | 1527 |
ANOUILH J Bal des Voleurs Ed Howarth 60 C8 110 Fr 66 Harrap | 1531 |
ANTHUS P Selected Poems C8 32 76 H G Waker 5 | 1532 |
Coins of Coritani 63 M8 62 | 1533 |
Ed Final Contribns to Prob and Methods of Psychoanalysis | 1536 |
ARISTOTLE Metaphysics Ed Sir W D Ross 24 2v D8 1060 set 5 | 1543 |
Bailey | 1545 |
Primary Love and Psychoanalytic Technique D8 307 n | 1547 |
L Handbook of American Crewel Embroidery 1M8 67 111 | 1548 |
ATKINSON J B Beauty of Holiness 53 C8 160 bds 36 Epworth | 1551 |
ALBANESE A A Ed Newer Meth of Nutritional Biochem v 12 ea M8 111 | 1553 |
L Pheasants Afield 62 sd 76 CollierMac | 1554 |
AHAD 11AAM Selected Essays Ed L Simon D8 257 Torchbks sd 176 | 1557 |
J jt author SEE BELL C L J ADAMS | 1558 |
R Story of Ancient Athens 60 C4 63 Col ill St Georges | 1560 |
The Life of Lydia Maria Child | 1562 |
ABRAHAM R C Hausa Literature and the Hausa Sound System 59 D8 186 | 1567 |
ALLEN W A Factories Mod Multistorey 59 Factory Bldg Stud New | 1569 |
ACHESON R M Acridines 56 422 11 Chem of Heterocyclic Compounds | 1576 |
ABRAHAM R C Idoma Language 70 Bailey Bros | 1580 |
ALLEN A B Puppetry for Beginners C8 111 Model Theatre S | 1585 |
AUGUSTINE St Enchiridion of Faith Hope and Love 61 SC8 168 sd | 1587 |
ABRAHAM W Common Sense About Gifted Children 158 45 Harper | 1589 |
BAKER PERCY Studies in Modulation C8 56 Mus exs sd 3 W Reeves | 1590 |
ALBAUM G J H WESTING Mod Marketing Thought 64 30 CollierMac | 1591 |
ALLEN ERIC Smitty and the Egyptian Cat 8C8 47 21ill Salamander | 1595 |
ARISTOTLE Minor Works Tr Hett 36 F8 Loeb Gk S 18 Heinemann | 1597 |
Social Casework Approach | 1599 |
ANDERSON K First Steps in Geom 63 D8 64 l limp 46 Harrap | 1605 |
BAER K Rank and Title in the Old Kingdom 60 M8 x 310 56 Univ Chicago | 1609 |
AITCHISON Lord Law and Liberty 137 R8 10 sd 1 W Hodge | 1611 |
ADDO S O KORANGTENG Pract English Cse 63 Tchrs Bk 1 C8 | 1613 |
Records of a Literary Circle 184392 M8 xvi | 1617 |
BARKER Sir ERNEST Traditions of Civility 48 D8 viii 370 1ill 30 Camb | 1621 |
ANTILL J P W S RYAN Civil Engineering Construction M8 644 | 1622 |
AITKEN A C R D CONNOR r Physical and Math Tables J B Clark | 1623 |
ARISTOTLE On Constitution of Athens Ed Kenyon 3e 92 Papyrus CXXI | 1624 |
Classical and Matrix Methods M8 474 | 1628 |
ALT F L Electronic Digital Computers 58 Appl Maths Mech S | 1629 |
Publishers Advertising Sadleir C8 Constable | 1632 |
ADAMS MICHAEL Ed Ecumenism D8 117 Vatican II Texts sd 106 | 1636 |
ANTON J P Aristotles Theory of Contrariety 57 D8 276 Internat Lib | 1637 |
ANDERSON W R School Certificate Chem 130 C8 311 76 Pitman | 1638 |
Problems of Human Pleasure and Behaviour 157 D8 300 | 1639 |
ALLISON R S Senile Brain The 62 M8 288 11 50 E Arnold | 1641 |
ARISTOTLE Politics n e 64 sC8 Classics S sd 5 Penguin | 1643 |
ANDERSON W ROBERT First Under the North Pole 59 R6 64 126 | 1646 |
ADAMOVICH A Opposition to Sovietization in Belorussian Lit 191757 158 | 1647 |
ALBERES P M JeanPaul Sartre 64 DB 159 21 Merlin | 1649 |
ADAMS MORLEY Childrens Illus Crosswords 48 D8 64 Ill Popular | 1651 |
King Alfred the Great 155 1C8 160 | 1653 |
ANDERSON W ROBERT C BLAIR Jr Nautilus 90 North n e 61 | 1654 |
ADAMS N I C LYONS Brief Spanish Review Gram and Compos r e 57 | 1657 |
ANDERSON ELLA Pictorial History of the Ancient World R4 72 200ill | 1659 |
ANTON T J The Politics of State Expenditure in Illinois M8 x 286 | 1661 |
AESCHYLUS The House of Atreus Ed J Lewin 1C8 118 sd 10 cl | 1664 |
ADAMS N L C LYONS Heritage of Spain r e 53 44 Holt R | 1665 |
Thrills and Regressions 59 D8 148 Internat Psychoanal | 1667 |
Spedding J Publishers and Authors C8 viii 91 J R Smith 1867 | 1670 |
AHARONI Y The Foreign Investment Decision Process 1C8 362 | 1673 |
ADAMS O R Lameness in Horses SR8 593 270ill 92d 2r e 5 Bailliere | 1675 |
ARNOLD B H Logic and Boolean Alg 62 M8 144 60PrenticeHall | 1676 |
ADE G Artie AND Pink Marsh 189697 n e 63 M8 xi 224 пl | 1677 |
AMERICAN College of Surgeons An Outline of the Treatment of Fractures | 1681 |
PrenticeHall | 1692 |
ANDERSON W ROBERT C BLAIR Jr Nautilus 90 North IC8 192 16ill | 1693 |
ACHESON R M Intro to Chem of Heterocyclic Compounds 60 R8 342 | 1697 |
Being a Challenge Sent by John Dunton to Patrick Campbell | 1699 |
etc Economic Growth and External Debt M8 224 13ch | 1701 |
A Supply and Price of Natural Gas 63 D8 viii 116 | 1706 |
ALBERS A On Weaving 8D4 206 112111 9col 55 Studio Vista 10 | 1707 |
E Psychotherapeutic Techniques in Medicine 61 D8 242 | 1711 |
AUSTEN J Northanger Abbey Pott8 206 Wlds Class S 66 schl | 1713 |
ASQUITH Lady C Married to Tolstoy sC8 sd 76 Icon | 1714 |
As it Was and is 18e 58 D8 388 203ill | 1728 |
jt editor SEE AIGRAIN P M BALKANSKI Ed | 1729 |
P A 50 | 1730 |
0 | 1736 |
BAKER PETER My Testament 106 Calder | 1741 |
BAGBY G Bait for a Killer C8 191 16 H Hammond 4 | 1745 |
BAILYN B J N GARRETT Ed Pamphlets of the American Revolution | 1750 |
Prophet of North 48 C8 96 Mod Xtian | 1756 |
ANDERSSON E Contribution à Ethnog des Kuta 153 v 1 4to 386 III | 1758 |
ALLEN F A Borderland of Criminal Justice 64 128 28 Univ Chicago | 1764 |
1914 to Present | 1765 |
Louis XIV and Greatness of France 46 1F8 276 1ill M | 1767 |
jt author SEE EAST T C BAIN | 1773 |
Statement of Policy April 1934 Book Mfrs Assn D8 7 The Assn | 1774 |
ANDERSSON J G Selected Ordos Bronzes 133 C4 12 III Museum of | 1775 |
AUSTEN J Northanger Abbey AND Persuasion n e 53 C8 384 Class | 1778 |
Marlborough 39 SC8 144 Fr Gt Lives S 6 Duckwth | 1779 |
BAIN J S Price Theory 52 52 Holt R | 1781 |
Play sd 5 Deane | 1784 |
AUSTEN J Sense and Sensibility Pott8 378 Wids Class S 76 | 1786 |
Oliver Cromwell and Puritan Revolution 58 1F8 192 | 1789 |
ARNOLD F T Art of Accompaniment from Thoroughbass C4 III 88 | 1790 |
BAINBRIDGE F A J A MENZIES Essentials of Physiology D8 494 | 1792 |
Steffernd A Ed The Wonderful World of Books New Amer Lib 53 | 1793 |
Grievances Between Authors and Publishers Soc of Authors C8 Soc | 1799 |
ADENAUER K Memoirs 194553 M8 480 8ill 63 Weidenfeld N 4 | 1802 |
ALBERT A A Intro to Algebraic Theories 41 M8 138 26 Univ Chicago | 1806 |
ANDERSSON J G Topog and Archaeol Studies in Far East 39 С4 110 III | 1807 |
BANHIDI Z etc A Textbook of the Hungarian Language 1M8 530 11 | 1811 |
AUSTERBERRY J Around the Year with John and Judith M8 74 Ill sd | 1816 |
ALLAIS A A la Une F8 186 Livre de Poche sd 46 Hachette 3 | 1817 |
ANDERSSON O Studies in the Prehistory of Psychoanalysis M8 238 Scandi | 1818 |
ADAMS PHOEBELOU A Rough Map of Greece D8 192 Ill Endpr M | 1819 |
ADAMS A E Bolsheviks in Ukraine 63 D8 ix 440 65 Yale | 1823 |
Thousand Years of Cultural Relations | 1828 |
BAKER S Advertising Layout and Art Direction 59 Marketing S | 1831 |
400 set 5 Economist 1 | 1836 |
ADAMS A R D B G MAEGRAITH Tropical Medicine for Nurses 2e 63 | 1839 |
Stuarts in Love 63 C8 256 13111 30 Hodder | 1840 |
BAGGALEY A R Intermediate Correlational Methods D8 211 44Wiley | 1844 |
BALL ADRIAN Last Day of the Old World 163 1C8 292 24ill 25 Muller | 1846 |
BAGGALLY J Netball for Schools D8 140 11 25 Pelham Bks 10 | 1857 |
ASSER J Historic Hairdressing D8 x 134 Ill 25Pitman 4 | 1859 |
ACKER H School Train 59 С8 144 11 106 Abelard | 1867 |
AUSTERBERRY J A Glimpse of Old Shropshire C8 70 ll sd | 1875 |
ADAMS P H jt author SEE DOVE R C P H ADAMS | 1878 |
ANDRADE E N Da C Brief Hist of Roy Soc 60 C4 28 14ill 106 | 1885 |
BANISTER J An Introduction to Old English Silver 1R8 288 III 50 Evans | 1886 |
ADAMS R D etc Diseases of Muscle 2r e 62 M8 735 239ill 85 | 1887 |
BALL B N Sundog sC8 192 n e sd 36 Corgi 7 | 1888 |
ASSIAC Adventures in Chess 56 108 192 ПІ 126 Deutsch | 1891 |
BARFORD G Clay in the Classroom C4 118 111 60 Davis Pubn Inc | 1893 |
BARBER H L ZETSCHE r Surgical Nursing Felter F West 7e 59 | 1895 |
Rainey R8 409 34M 63 Burns O 1 | 1899 |
A Philosophical Introduction | 1901 |
BARFORD P The Keyboard Music of C P E Bach R8 186 mus exs | 1903 |
ALBERT H A Queen Victorias Sister D8 255 1 30 Hale 2 | 1904 |
ALLPORT N L J W KEYSER Colorimetric Analysis 2e 5863 v | 1907 |
De Esau and Jacob Tr fr Portuguese H Caldwell D8 287 | 1908 |
F Soils and Land Use of the District Around Bangor and Beaumaris | 1914 |
ANTONIADES H N Ed Hormones in Human Plasma 60 R8 650 70ill | 1915 |
AUGUSTINE St Selected Writings Ed Flood C8 106 Clonmore | 1916 |
ALEXANDER H G Ed LeibnizClarke Correspondence 56 C8 256 Philos | 1917 |
Stock Control in Bookselling Bartlett D8 5 Hutchinson | 1919 |
Its Industrial Hygiene Aspects M8 222 l d | 1929 |
BANJO S A West African Teachers Hbk 153 C8 224 III 76 Univ Lond | 1943 |
ALLEN H B Teaching English as a Second Language M8 406 54 McGraw | 1947 |
D L Ed Industrial Research in Britain R8 726 5r e 510 | 1948 |
Publishers Association Supply of Books to Schools D8 12 sd P | 1949 |
ADAMS R D jt author SEE WALTON J N R D ADAMS | 1952 |
ABRAHAMS H J Extinct Medical Schools of Nineteenthcentury Philadelphia | 1959 |
AESOP Fables Ed L Untermeyer 8D4 96 Col ill bds 25 Hamlyn | 1963 |
ADAMS R H jt author SEE SCHONELL F J R H ADAMS | 1975 |
Story of the Religious Tract Society for One Hundred Years S G Green | 1979 |
ASSOCIATED Slavists of Roumanian P R Romanoslavica 58 3v | 1980 |
John Milton and Mod Critics 55 D8 252 | 1983 |
W D School Certificate Engineering Questions 194860 D8 53 | 1985 |
ANTONIO E De D TALBOT Point of Order D8 108 44ill sd 126 | 1988 |
S Federal Reserve Policy Reappraised 195159 63 | 1989 |
Straus R The Unspeakable Curll M8 xii 322 Ill Chap H 127 | 1991 |
BALL R W Prin of Abstract Algebra 63 50 Instructors Manual | 1992 |
L Ed Decay Schemes of Radioactive Nuclei Dzhelepor | 1993 |
BALL R W jt author SEE BEAUMONT R A R W BALL | 1999 |
G Sixty Steps to Precis 46 Longmans | 2003 |
BALZAK S S etc Econ Geog of U S S R 49 80 Collier Mac | 2008 |
ASSOCIATION for Science Education Secondary Modern Science Teaching | 2010 |
BANKCROFT K L Valiant Ones SC8 Badger Bks sd 26 J Spencer | 2017 |
Struggle for the Freedom of the Press from Caxton to Cromwell Clyde C4 xv | 2022 |
ALEXANDER MARC Behind Scenes with Fishing Fleet 64 sD8 96 | 2025 |
ADKINS A W H Merit and Responsibility 60 D8 396 45 | 2029 |
BAMBER H Cosas Hispanoamericanas C8 viii 88 15ill 33 Black | 2048 |
ALEXANDER MARC Golden Dollar C8 157 96 n i Target S sd | 2051 |
Origins and Transformations D8 262 | 2053 |
S The Eastern Question D8 448 10M 50 Papermacs | 2055 |
ASTALL R Special Libraries and Information Bureaux D8 72 Exam Gdes | 2057 |
BALDWIN MARJORIE The Slain Unicorn D8 28 sd 6 Outposts Pubns | 2061 |
ALEXANDER MARC The Past 1C8 128 Ill Conquerors S 136 Parrish | 2062 |
ADAMS G Mysteries of the Rosecross 55 D8 34 sd 36 New Knowledge | 2067 |
ANDERS G Kafka C8 104 Stud in Mod European Lit Thought n e 126 | 2069 |
ALTMEYER A Formative Years of Social Security D8 314 50 Wisconsin | 2071 |
Thieme H C A The Society of Authors and the Publishers C8 48 Thieme | 2077 |
F Railroad Curves and Earthwork 7e 31 76McGraw | 2079 |
New Kingdom Art in Anct Egypt 15901315 B C 162 8vo vi 93 | 2083 |
ACKERMAN J S Palladio D8 196 III Architect Society S sd 126 | 2086 |
ALEXANDER MARC The Rhineland F8 96 Пl M Holiday Gdes sd | 2087 |
E Ed Graduate Women at Work D8 166 sd 76 cl | 2091 |
ALBERTI E G Ed Nineteenth Century Initials Ornaments and Borders | 2093 |
ALGUSTINY J Kurzer Abriss Des Mads chamedialekts 14 n e 8vo 114 | 2095 |
ACKERMAN J S R CARPENTER Art and Archaeol 63 D8 241 | 2096 |
B Ten Books on Architecture Tr Leoni 1755n e 4to 276 | 2099 |
W G Indian Pntg for British 17701880 155 C4 160 24ill | 2109 |
ADAMS HARRY Electricity and Its Uses Pott4 64 Ill Learning Lib 86 | 2115 |
Old Kingdom Art in Anct Egypt 32002300 B C 149 8vo 48 71ill | 2116 |
AIYAR Κ Ν Thirty Minor Upanishads sd 5 Theosoph | 2119 |
ALLUM N Monica Takes a Commission C8 140 116 Parrish 4 | 2121 |
ADKINS H E Treatise on Milit Band 50 Boosey | 2123 |
ALTOUN H J Rate Calculator 2e 63 326 Shaw Sons | 2125 |
Worked Examples | 2129 |
AETHERWEARD Chronicle Ed A Campbell 62 D8 192 Medieval Texts | 2131 |
Smith W H Son A National Service Ill sd W H Smith | 2132 |
ASTHMA Research Cncl Phys Exs for Asthma 56 R8 40 55ill | 2134 |
Burton J H Authors Records and Accounts Including the Problem | 2139 |
BAMBOROUGH J M Ed Life of Seth Pope Luttrell Soc S 30 Blackwell | 2141 |
V J F MURRAY Ed Symposium on Kaposis Sarcoma | 2143 |
Story of Kingston Lacey 16J Baker | 2150 |
AMERICAN Soc of Tool Mfg Enginrs Tooling for Aircraft and Missile Mfre | 2151 |
Ed Richard III Shakespeare 136 F8 xxxii 184 Scholars | 2152 |
ALBERTI R Selected Poems Tr fr Spanish B Belitt C8 x 220 | 2156 |
AULT S M B A WORKMAN Invading Britain 62 D8 96 Ill Time | 2157 |
ALDRICH R Without Prejudice and Other Verse 63 C8 67 limp 5 Citizen | 2158 |
Irish Legend 8C8 24 201ll 1 e 450 bds | 2159 |
BANKS A An African Book List C8 38 r e sd 2 Edin Ho P 3 | 2163 |
ALDRIDGE J Captive in the Land 62 1C8 21 H Hamilton | 2165 |
ABRAHAMSON B Notes on Plane Coordinate Geom 63 D8 131 11 | 2167 |
ADAMS T | 2169 |
ASHTON H Ed Tartuffe Le Molière 46 C8 xxiv 110 French Texts | 2171 |
ADLER A Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology Tr Radin 2r e 29 | 2175 |
A Color Atlas for Anterior Segment Eye Diseases 64 | 2181 |
ALEXANDER MARC The Water War C8 159 96 Ward Lock 1166 | 2185 |
AHLERS A P WEBB How and Where to Sell Your Pictures Overseas C8 110 | 2191 |
ALLAN JAMES Plain Mans Guide to Computers 2r e 64 D8 72 2ill | 2195 |
R History Around Us 36 Longmans | 2199 |
ARNOLD MATTHEW Essays Letters and Reviews Ed Neiman 60 | 2205 |
BARHAM R H Ingoldsby Legends Ed Tanfield 51 F8 xvi 282 Scholars | 2207 |
ALDRIDGE J Last Exile n e 64 sD8 76 H Hamilton | 2212 |
etc The Allocation of Economic Resources D8 254 | 2213 |
Father of the Australian Theatre R8 xiv 356 | 2217 |
ARKWRIGHT P Marquetry and Veneering 61 C8 149 15 n e 64 sd | 2219 |
ADAMS HARRY Pots Pans and Tools D8 32 Ill some col Everyday | 2225 |
Sister Mortons Protegee C8 192 116 Hale 3 | 2227 |
ALEXANDER of Tunis Earl Memoirs 194045 62 D8 224 34ill | 2228 |
P Ed Landlord and Tenant C8 xi 66 Nutshell S sd 106 | 2231 |
ASTLE W E Air Carriers Cargo Liabilities and Immunities 58 C8 101 | 2238 |
Solicitors | 2242 |
Illustrated Flora of Pacific States 4060 4v C4 III ea | 2247 |
ARNOLD MATTHEW Prose Selection Ed J O Jump C8 288 New | 2251 |
BALLANTYNE J R P MITRA Mirror of Composition 156 D8 viii 444 | 2253 |
D Roots of Modern Psychiatry D8 220 15ill 46 Grune | 2255 |
ALBERTS W W J E SEGALL Ed The Corporate Merger IM8 xviii | 2259 |
APPIAN Roman History Tr H White 1213 4v ea F8 Loeb Gk | 2263 |
ADAMS W BRIDGES Irresistible Theatre 57 D8 446 l 50 64 | 2265 |
Story of a Bush Baby 164 1C8 144 111 136 Gollancz | 2267 |
ARSE NISHVILI K I Effect of Wave Formation on Hydroengineering Struc | 2269 |
ARSTAD T Resiliency of Edentulous Alveolar Ridges 59 90 33111 | 2275 |
BANKS F Frontiers of Revelation 62 D8 240 30 Parrish | 2279 |
Pursuit of the Prodigal C8 304 n i 25Gollancz 11 | 2285 |
Sources of Information r e 64 | 2289 |
ART Directors Club Toronto Annual of Advertising and Editorial Art | 2291 |
U S A 194555 57 1C8 176 15 HartDavis | 2293 |
ACKERS P A J M HARRISON Flumes Criticaldepth for Flow | 2305 |
342 | 2307 |
ALBERTSON A etc Fluid Mech for Enginrs 60 M8 567 88 PrenticeHall | 2321 |
ABRAMS P Basic Data Processing M8 352 106ill limp 54 Holt R | 2325 |
ASHWORTH R Highway Engineering D8 307 11 55 Heinemann Educ | 2327 |
ALBERTUS MAGNUS Book of Minerals Tr fr Latin D Wyckoff R8 352 | 2329 |
A Political Analysis D8 478 | 2331 |
ADAMS W BRIDGES To Charlotte While Shaving 57 D8 57 106 | 2333 |
Plays | 2338 |
H Ed Burmese Monks Tales suR8 x 181 446 Columbia U | 2339 |
ALLEN JOHN Ed Four Continental Plays 64 Drama Lib | 2341 |
EDITH A W Schlegel as Translator of Shakespeare 58 | 2343 |
ALLEN JOHN Going to Theatre 62 C8 156 Ill Excursions S 126 | 2349 |
ACRES K M Vauxhall Viva C4 Ill d Car Servicing S sd 86 cl 126 | 2353 |
Ransom W Private Presses and Their Books D8 493 Ill Bowker 29 | 2365 |
BAKISH R Ed Intro to Electron Beam Technology 62 R8 452 11 | 2367 |
ACTON H Last Bourbons of Naples 61 D8 584 17111 50 Methuen | 2375 |
Dunton J An Essay on Deathbed Charity Exemplified in Mr Thomas Guy | 2381 |
ADAMS H T Elements of Internal Combustion Turbine Theory 149 | 2385 |
AUDEN W H C KALLMAN Magic Flute 57 D8 120 15 Faber | 2395 |
ARNOLD RALPH Kings Bishops Knights and Pawns 63 R8 112 Col | 2397 |
ALBERY P Uncommon Marriage 61 18 Elek | 2402 |
ALBION G Story of Church 64 C4 100 l New Lib of Cath Knowl | 2412 |
L | 2413 |
ACTON H B What Marx Really Said C8 160 What They Really Said S | 2417 |
ALDRIDGE T M Rent Control and Security of Tenure D8 118 186 Oyez | 2418 |
AUDEN W H N H PEARSON Ed Poets of the Eng Lang v 2 C8 616 | 2421 |
ADAMSON G Three Discontented Clowns C4 48 Col ill 15 Abelard | 2423 |
ALEXANDER P R J BLOCK Lab Man of Analytical Methods of Protein | 2426 |
ARTHOS J Dante Michelangelo and Milton 63 D8 136 20 Routledge | 2427 |
ASTLE W E Shipowners Cargo Liabilities and Immunities D8 496 3r | 2429 |
BALLANTYNE R M The Dog Crusoe C8 256 Classics Lib n e bds | 2433 |
ALEXANDER P etc Wool Its Chemistry and Physics 2e 64 D8 432 16111 | 2434 |
Colour in Your Life 63 1C8 127 Пl some col 126 Dobson | 2437 |
ASTON G D G it author SEE SMITH D R L G D G ASTON | 2438 |
H Abundance of Elements 61 R8 298 88 Interscience | 2439 |
ATKINSON N J Modern Teaching Aids D8 224 Ill 28 Maclaren W C 2 | 2443 |
Harman E Ed The University as Publisher D8 176 28 Toronto U P | 2445 |
AICHINGER H The Shepherd D4 32 Col ill 16 Dobson 12 | 2451 |
Mahayana Buddhism Tr Richard 61 | 2454 |
APPLETON G On the Eightfold Path sC8 156 n i sd 86 S C M | 2459 |
ASVAGHOSHA Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana 164 D8 59 126 | 2467 |
ARISTOPHANES Comedies Ed J P Maine J H Frere v 2 8C8 268 | 2471 |
ALBION R G Rise of New York Port 181560 39 M8 458 l 512 | 2472 |
BALDWIN PATRICIA Rosemary Takes to Teaching C8 120 Career | 2477 |
Massachusetts Politics | 2479 |
AUROBINDO S Hour of God 59 C8 109 sd 76 cl 10 Luzac | 2483 |
ACTON J R J D SWIFT Cold Cathode Discharge Tubes 63 R8 351 | 2487 |
In Eng and Sanskrit 52 8vo xxxvi 607 | 2489 |
AGARWAL R P Generalized Hypergeometric Series D8 109 sd 126 Asia | 2491 |
ATABEKOV G I Linear Network Theory Tr fr Russian J Yeoman M8 644 | 2493 |
L Chatter Squirrels Surprise 63 suR4 28 12111 | 2503 |
Complete Vegetarian Recipe Book 154 C8 168 10 G Bell | 2509 |
etc Flows on Homogeneous Spaces 63 D8 120 Annals | 2511 |
AUDEN W H jt author SEE LAWLOR J W H AUDEN | 2512 |
S Thoughts on Const 164 1C8 212 Oxf Pbs sd 76 | 2513 |
BAIRD J B Information from Working Curves Established by Direct Reading | 2515 |
ALEXANDER PETER Ed Eight Tragedies Shakespeare n e 56 C8 576 | 2517 |
ANDREWES Sir C The Common Cold D8 192 23ill 25Weidenfeld | 2519 |
ALLERA S V A R NOBAY English Professional Football D8 84 sd | 2521 |
ARTHUR F The Throbbing Dark C8 176 n 1 76 Jenkins 1 | 2523 |
BALDWIN R B Measure of the Moon 63 M8 xx 488 Ill 97 Univ Chicago | 2525 |
ATKINSON R G etc An Introduction to Mathematical Learning M8 429 d | 2527 |
In Welsh Tr S Evans 63 C8 160 | 2540 |
Play 8d 19 Deane | 2547 |
AGARWALA S N Age at Marriage in India 62 8vo xxiv 296 36 | 2549 |
AUDSLEY J Book of Ballet n e 64 D8 112 III 11 Warne | 2551 |
ATACK F W Ed Hbk of Chemical Data 157 F8 368 54 Reinhold | 2552 |
ANELL B Hunting and Trapping Methods in Australia and Oceania 60 | 2553 |
Father and Son 55 C8 198 Northcliffe Lect | 2555 |
ADBURGHAM A Shops and Shopping 64 1M8 304 26ill 100figs | 2559 |
ALEXANDER PETER Introductions to Shakespeare 64 C8 192 Class | 2561 |
ALBION R G R H CONNERY Forrestal and Navy 62 56 Columbia | 2562 |
ALBRIGHT W F Archaeol and Relig of Israel 3e 53 M8 258 48 Johns | 2570 |
BAILAR J C Ed Chem of Coordination Compounds 56 844 A C S | 2573 |
Report on a Plan for Increasing the National Interest in Books Nat Book Council | 2575 |
August 30thNov 5th 1874 108 154 111 30 Texas | 2577 |
AIDA Y Prisoner of the British Tr fr Japanese S L Allen H Ishiguro | 2593 |
Collected Short Stories D8 584 50 Heinemann 5 | 2601 |
AINGER A C H G WINTLE EnglishLatin Gradus or Verse Dictionary | 2607 |
ALEXANDER R J Organised Labor in Latin America D8 274 45 Free P | 2608 |
ANSON P F Bishops at Large 164 D8 593 28ill 70 Faber | 2609 |
Richards G Memoirs of a Misspent Youth 187296 D8 xvi 353 Ill Heine | 2617 |
ANSON P F Call of the Desert 164 D8 300 42 S P C | |
R Numbers Old and New 61 SR8 50 Col ill Reason Why | |