Bulfinch's Mythology: Includes The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry & Legends of CharlemagneRandom House Publishing Group, 11. aug. 1998 - 896 sider For almost a century and a half, Bulfinch's Mythology has been the text by which the great tales of the gods and goddesses, Greek and Roman antiquity; Scandinavian, Celtic, and Oriental fables and myths; and the age of chivalry have been known. The stories are divided into three sections: The Age of Fable or Stories of Gods and Heroes (first published in 1855); The Age of Chivalry (1858), which contains King Arthur and His Knights, The Mabinogeon, and The Knights of English History; and Legends of Charlemagne or Romance of the Middle Ages (1863). For the Greek myths, Bulfinch drew on Ovid and Virgil, and for the sagas of the north, from Mallet's Northern Antiquities. He provides lively versions of the myths of Zeus and Hera, Venus and Adonis, Daphne and Apollo, and their cohorts on Mount Olympus; the love story of Pygmalion and Galatea; the legends of the Trojan War and the epic wanderings of Ulysses and Aeneas; the joys of Valhalla and the furies of Thor; and the tales of Beowulf and Robin Hood. The tales are eminently readable. As Bulfinch wrote, "Without a knowledge of mythology much of the elegant literature of our own language cannot be understood and appreciated. . . . Our book is an attempt to solve this problem, by telling the stories of mythology in such a manner as to make them a source of amusement." |
Preface | 3 |
Introduction | 7 |
Prometheus and Pandora | 16 |
Apollo and DaphnePyramus and Thisbe Cephalus and Procris | 23 |
Juno and Her Rivals Io and CallistoDiana and ActæonLatona and the Rustics | 31 |
V | 40 |
Phaëton | 41 |
MidasBaucis and Philemon | 47 |
The Story of Perceval | 451 |
The Quest of the Sangreal | 458 |
The End of the Quest | 467 |
Sir Agrivains Treason | 479 |
Morte dArthur | 486 |
PART II | 495 |
The Britons | 497 |
The Lady of the Fountain | 501 |
ProserpineGlaucus and Scylla | 52 |
PygmalionDryopeVenus and AdonisApollo and Hyacinthus | 61 |
Ceyx and Halcyone | 67 |
Vertumnus and Pomona | 73 |
Cupid and Psyche vii ix | 77 |
Cadmus The Myrmidons | 87 |
Nisus and ScyllaEcho and NarcissusClytie Hero and Leander | 93 |
MinervaNiobe | 101 |
The Grææ and GorgonsPerseus and Medusa AtlasAndromeda | 109 |
GiantsSphinxPegasus and ChimæraCentaursPygmiesGriffin | 115 |
The Golden FleeceMedea and Æson | 122 |
Orpheus and EurydiceAristæusAmphion | 173 |
ArionIbycusSimonidesSappho | 182 |
The Trojan War | 196 |
The Fall of TroyReturn of the Greeks | 210 |
Adventures of UlyssesThe LotusEaters | 219 |
The PhæaciansFate of the Suitors | 228 |
Adventures of ÆneasThe HarpiesDido | 238 |
The Infernal regionsThe Sibyl | 245 |
CamillaEvanderNisus | 253 |
PythagorasEgyptian DeitiesOracles | 264 |
Origin of MythologyStatues of Gods | 276 |
3 | 277 |
Modern MonstersThe PhoenixBasilisk | 286 |
Eastern MythologyZoroasterHindu Myth | 293 |
Northern MythologyValhallaThe Valkyrior | 302 |
Thors Visit to Jotunheim | 309 |
The Death of BaldurThe ElvesRunic Letters SkaldsIceland | 315 |
The DruidsIona | 322 |
Beowulf | 329 |
7 | 333 |
16 | 334 |
335 | |
31 | 338 |
77 | 340 |
122 | 341 |
PART I | 345 |
Introduction | 349 |
The Mythical History of England | 361 |
Arthur | 370 |
Cardoc Briefbas | 392 |
Sir Gawain | 398 |
Launcelot of the Lake | 402 |
The Story of LauncelotThe Adventure of the Cart | 411 |
The Story of LauncelotThe Lady of Shalott | 418 |
The Story of LauncelotQueen Guenevers Peril | 423 |
The Story of Tristram of Lyonesse | 426 |
Tristram and Isoude | 433 |
The Story of Sir Tristram of Lyonesse | 439 |
End of the Story of Sir Tristram of Lyonesse | 445 |
The Lady of the Fountain continued | 506 |
The Lady of the Fountain continued | 512 |
Geraint the Son of Erbin | 518 |
Geraint the Son of Erbin continued | 526 |
Geraint the Son of Erbin continued | 533 |
Pwyll Prince of Dyved | 541 |
Branwen the Daughter of Llyr | 546 |
Manawyddan | 553 |
Kilwich and Olwen | 562 |
Kilwich and Olwen continued | 571 |
Peredur the Son of Evrawc | 577 |
Taliesin | 584 |
PART III | 591 |
King Richard and the Third Crusade | 593 |
Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest | 612 |
Robin Hood and His Adventures | 621 |
Chevy Chase | 628 |
The Battle of Otterbourne | 636 |
Edward the Black Prince | 644 |
Index | 661 |
Preface | 667 |
Introduction | 669 |
The Peers or Paladins | 676 |
The Tournament | 683 |
The Siege of Albracca | 690 |
Adventures of Rinaldo and Orlando | 699 |
The Invasion of France | 707 |
The Invasion of France continued | 715 |
Bradamante and Rogero | 723 |
Astolpho and the Enchantress | 731 |
The Orc | 740 |
Astolphos Adventures Continued and Isabellas Begun | 746 |
Medoro | 751 |
Orlando Mad | 757 |
Zerbino and Isabella | 764 |
Astolpho in Abyssinia | 771 |
The War in Africa | 777 |
Rogero and Bradamante | 787 |
The Battle of Roncesvalles | 797 |
Rinaldo and Bayard | 808 |
Death of Rinaldo | 812 |
Huon of Bordeaux | 817 |
Huon of Bordeaux continued | 823 |
Huon of Bordeaux continued | 831 |
Ogier the Dane | 837 |
Ogier the Dane continued | 844 |
Ogier the Dane continued | 849 |
859 | |
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Bulfinch's Mythology: Includes The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry ... Thomas Bulfinch Begrenset visning - 1999 |
Bulfinch's Mythology: Includes The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry ... Thomas Bulfinch Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 1998 |
Bulfinch's Mythology: Includes The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry ... Thomas Bulfinch Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 1998 |
Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
Achilles adventures Æneas alludes Angelica Apollo armor arms army asked Astolpho battle beauty behold Beowulf blow body Bradamante brother called castle Charlemagne court damsel daughter dead death Durindana earl earth enchanter enemy eyes fair father fell friends gave Geraint giant goddess gods Greeks Guenever hand head heard heaven Hector hero horse island Isoude Jupiter King Arthur knight lady lance land Loki looked lord maiden Malagigi Manawyddan Minerva monster mountain mounted never nymphs Orlando Owain palace paladin Perceval Peredur poets prince Pwyll queen replied Rinaldo Robin Hood rode Rogero Saracens seized sent serpent shield ship shore side Sir Bohort Sir Gawain Sir Kay Sir Launcelot Sir Palamedes Sir Tristram slain soon spear stood story struck sword thee Theseus Thor thou told took tree Trojans Ulysses unto Utgard-Loki warriors wife wounded youth