Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Volume 8New York Public Library., 1904 Vol. 67, no. 6 (June 1963) includes article introducing Esther Elisabeth Larson's Swedish commentators on America, 1638-1865. |
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amendments Amer American Arrest du conseil ASTOR Australia Avenue Berlin bill Boston British and Foreign Charles CHATHAM SQUARE Committee on Naval Cong Congress Conseil d'État const Constitution cont'd convention copy Dufau edition English text engr facsim Facsimile favorable Federal Foreign State Papers France French text G. P. Putnam's Sons George German text Hawthorne Henry illus J. S. Jordan James John Journal July June l'imprimerie royale Lebanon LENOX Letter London March marine ment Nathaniel Hawthorne Naval Affairs navy officers Ordonnance du roy pamphlets Paris Parlt Philadelphia Pölitz Poore B. P. port printed proceedings Prtg prtrs relation Report royal navy Schiff Collection Secretary sess Shakers Spanish text Street tion United United States navy verf viii volumes Votes and proc Washington WASHINGTON HEIGHTS West William YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY YORKVILLE
Populaire passages
Pagina 156 - An act to extend the laws of the United States relating to customs, commerce, and navigation over the territory ceded to the United States by Russia, to establish a collection district therein, and for other purposes...
Pagina 28 - OF THE ORIGIN AND DESIGN OF GOVERNMENT IN GENERAL. WITH CONCISE REMARKS ON THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our...
Pagina 104 - States, and the Constitutions of the several states comprising the Union. pp. 409. 12° boards, uncut. Washington, 1820 856 CONSTITUTIONS (The) of the several Independent States of America; the Declaration of Independence; the Articles of Confederation between the said States; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America.
Pagina 116 - The Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania to their Constituents.
Pagina 104 - RESOLVED, That the preceding Constitution be laid before the United States, in Congress assembled, and that it is the opinion of this Convention, that it should afterwards be submitted to a Convention of Delegates, chosen in each State by the people thereof, under the recommendation of its Legislature, for their assent and ratification...
Pagina 177 - An Act proposing to the State of Texas the Establishment of her Northern and Western Boundaries, the Relinquishment by the said State of all Territory claimed by her exterior to said Boundaries, and of all her claims upon the United States, and to establish a territorial Government for New Mexico.
Pagina 184 - An act to enable the people of the eastern division of the Territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union, on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purposes...
Pagina 291 - The Naval Monument, containing Official and Other Accounts of All the Battles fought between the Navies of the United States and Great Britain during the late War; and an Account of the War with Algiers, to which is annexed a Naval Register of the United States.
Pagina 120 - Observations Leading to a Fair Examination of the System of Government Proposed by the Late Convention; and to Several Essential and Necessary Alterations to it, In a Number of Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican (1787).
Pagina 185 - Certain Conditions or Concessions, Agreed upon by William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania and those who are the adventurers and purchasers in the same province the Eleventh of July, one thousand six hundred and eighty-one.