Cannibals All! Or, Slaves without MastersHarvard University Press, 1 Mei 1966 - 304 halaman Cannibals All! got more attention in William Lloyd Garrison’s Liberator than any other book in the history of that abolitionist journal. And Lincoln is said to have been more angered by George Fitzhugh than by any other pro-slavery writer, yet he unconsciously paraphrased Cannibals All! in his House Divided speech. |
Labor Skill and Capital | 21 |
Subject ContinuedExploitation of Skill | 38 |
International Exploitation | 49 |
Free Trade Fashion and Centralization | 57 |
The World is Too Little Governed | 65 |
Liberty and Slavery | 71 |
Our Best Witnesses and Masters in the Art of | 85 |
Decay of English Liberty and Growth of English | 107 |
The Strength of Weakness | 204 |
Money | 207 |
Gerrit Smith on Land Reform and William Lloyd Garrison on NoGovernment | 209 |
In What AntiSlavery Ends | 213 |
Christian Morality Impracticable in Free Society But the Natural Morality of Slave Society | 217 |
SlaveryIts Effects on the Free | 220 |
Private Property Destroys Liberty and Equality | 222 |
The National Era an Excellent Witness | 225 |
The French Laborers and the French Revolution | 119 |
The Reformation The Right of Private Judgment | 130 |
The Nomadic Beggars and Pauper Banditti of Eng | 137 |
Rural Life of England | 146 |
The Distressed NeedleWomen and Hoods Song of the Shirt | 149 |
The Edinburgh Review on Southern Slavery | 158 |
The London Globe on West India Emancipation | 184 |
Protection and Charity to the Weak | 187 |
The Family | 190 |
Negro Slavery | 199 |
The Philosophy of the IsmsShowing Why They Abound at the North and Are Unknown at the South | 228 |
Deficiency of Food in Free Society | 231 |
Man Has Property in Man | 235 |
The Coup de Grāce to Abolition | 237 |
National Wealth Individual Wealth Luxury and Economy | 241 |
Government a Thing of Force Not of Consent | 243 |
Warning to the North | 250 |
Addendum | 257 |
263 | |