Catalogue of Tracts of the Civil War and Commonwealth Period Relating to Wales and the Borders

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National Library of Wales, 1911 - Great Britain - 85 pages

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Page 48 - Herba Parietis; or, THE WALL-FLOWER AS IT GREW OUT OF THE STONE-CHAMBER BELONGING TO THE METROPOLITAN PRISON OF LONDON, CALLED NEWGATE, being a History which is partly true, partly Romantick, Morally Divine, whereby a Marriage between Reality and Fancy is Solemnized by Divinity, written by THOMAS BAYLY, DD, whilst he was a Prisoner there.
Page 39 - An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in. Parliament, for the...
Page 7 - A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the appeasing and quietting of all Unlawfull Tumults and Insurrections in the severall Counties of England, and Dominion of Wales.
Page 3 - To the honourable the house of commons now assembled in parliament. " The humble petition of many thousands of poor " people in and about the city of London, " Humbly sheweth, that your petitioners have " lain a long time under great pressures, and griev...
Page 15 - Certamen Religiosum : Or, A Conference Between His late Majestie Charles King of England, and Henry late Marquess and Earl of Worcester ; concerning Religion ; at His Majesties being at Raglan Castle, 1646.
Page 27 - LONDON, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1648.
Page 58 - London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Signe of the Princes Armes in St.
Page 42 - The Works of the Eminent and learned Judge Jenkins upon Divers Statutes concerning the King's Prerogative and the Liberty of the Subject. Now Printed from the Original Authentick Copy. Written and published by himself, when Prisoner in Newgate. London, Printed by Samuel Eeycroft, for Samuel Heyrick, at Grayse Inn gate in Holborne.
Page 57 - True and Perfect Relation of the whole Transaction concerning the Petition of the Six Counties of South Wales, and the County of Monmouth, formerly presented to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England for a supply of Godly Ministers, and an Account of Ecclesiastical Revenues therein,

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