Catalogue of the First Portion of the Famous Library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Including a Complete Set of the Publications Privately Printed by Him at Middle-Hill, Etc., which Will be Sold by Auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 3d August, 1886, and Seven Following Days

Передня обкладинка
J. Davy and sons, 1886

Вибрані сторінки

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Сторінка 115 - Memoirs of the Twentieth Century; being original Letters of State under George the Sixth, relating to the most important events in Great- Britain, and Europe, as to church and state, arts and sciences, trade, taxes, and treaties, peace and war, and characters of the greatest persons of those times, from the middle of the eighteenth to the end of the twentieth century, and the world.
Сторінка 48 - History of the House of Austria. From the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh to the Death of Leopold II., 1218-1792.
Сторінка 171 - SMYTH'S (Professor) Lectures on Modern History; from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution.
Сторінка 16 - The Present State of New England: Being a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the present year 1677 : But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years 1675 and 1G76.
Сторінка 111 - A Letter from Mr. Gibber to Mr. Pope, Inquiring into the Motives that might induce him in his Satyrical Works, to be frequently fond of Mr. Cibber's Name.
Сторінка 63 - ENGEL'S (CARL) Music of the Most Ancient Nations ; particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, And Hebrews; with Special Reference to the Discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt. With 100 Illustrations. 8vo. 16s. ENGLAND (HISTORY or) from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713—83. By LORD MAHON (now Earl Stanhope). Library Edition, 7 Vols. 8vo. 93«.
Сторінка 24 - Para La Historia General De La Florida. Contiene Los Descubrimientos, y principales sucesos, acaecidos en este Gran Reino...

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