Charter and Bye-laws of the Linnean Society of London, Together with a Patent of Armorial Ensigns, and a List of the Society

Society, 1802 - 49 sider

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Side 10 - Society, be re-admitted by ballot without a fresh admission fee. 8. The death or withdrawal of any Fellow having been signified to one of the Secretaries, he shall preserve a record of it, and cause it to be announced at, and entered upon the minutes of the next Annual General Meeting. 9. No Fellow shall be understood to have withdrawn himself from the Society until he shall have signified such his intention by letter, under his hand, addressed to...
Side 35 - Kings of Arms, have to these presents subscribed our Names and affixed the Seals of our several Offices, this...
Side 34 - Norroy in pursuance of His Grace's Warrant and by virtue of the Letters Patent of Our several Offices to each of Us respectively granted do by these Presents grant and assign unto the said Sir Rupert Alfred Kettle the Arms following that is to say...
Side 33 - Society which expressly defined the object of its formation to be "the cultivation of the science of natural history in all its branches, and more especially of the natural history of Great Britain and Ireland."— Prof.
Side 33 - Letter represented unto the Most Noble Charles Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of England, that the...
Side 9 - Director or Secretary, or otherwise, as may be directed by the by-laws, rules and regulations of the Company, and being so signed and countersigned, shall be deemed valid and binding upon the Company, according to the tenor and meaning thereof.
Side 11 - Whenever there shall be cause for the expulsion of any Fellow from the Society, the President shall, at some ordinary or extraordinary meeting, propose the expulsion of such Fellow ; and at the next General Meeting, either Annual or special, the question shall be put to the ballot, and if two-thirds of the...

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