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J. Fraser, 1840 - Chartism - 113 pages

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Page 10 - With what serene conclusiveness a member of some Useful-Knowledge Society stops your mouth with a figure of arithmetic! To him it seems he has there extracted the elixir of the matter, on which now nothing more can be said.
Page 35 - Tophet, of copperas-fumes, cotton-ftiz, gin-riot, wrath and toil, created by a Demon, governed by a Demon? The sum of their wretchedness merited and unmerited welters, huge. dark and baleful, like a Dantean Hell, visible there in the statistics of Gin: Gin justly named the most authentic incarnation of the Infernal Principle in our times, too...
Page 52 - rights of man,' this right of the ignorant man to be guided by the wiser, to be, gently or forcibly, held in the true course by him, is the indisputablest.
Page 20 - In all ways it needs, especially in these times, to be proclaimed aloud that for the idle man there is no place in this England of ours. He that will not work, and save...
Page 24 - A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that Fortune's inequality exhibits under this sun.
Page 36 - He must revenge himself; revancher himself, make himself good again, — that so meum may be mine, tuum thine, and each party standing clear on his own basis, order be restored. There is something infinitely respectable in this, and we may say universally respected; it is the common stamp of manhood vindicating itself in all of us, the basis of whatever is worthy in all of us, and through superficial diversities, the same in all.
Page 55 - The relation of the taught to their teacher, of the loyal subject to his guiding king, is, under one shape or another, the vital element of human Society ; indispensable to it, perennial in it ; without which, as a body reft of its soul, it falls down into' death, and with horrid noisome dissolution passes away and disappears.
Page 12 - What constitutes the well-being of a man ? Many things ; of which the wages he gets, and the bread he buys with them, are but one preliminary item. Grant, however, that the wages were the whole; that once knowing the wages and the price of bread, we know all; then what are the wages? Statistic Inquiry, in its present unguided condition, cannot tell.
Page 13 - ... industry, hope to rise to mastership ; or is such hope cut off from him ? How is he related to his employer ; by bonds of friendliness and mutual help ; or by hostility, opposition, and chains of mutual necessity alone ? In a word, what degree of contentment can a human creature be supposed to enjoy in that position? With hunger preying on him, his contentment is likely .to be small ! But even with abundance, his discontent, his real misery may be great. The...
Page 73 - ... our Earth, — so we may already name the Transatlantic Saxon Nation. They went seeking leave to hear sermon in their own method, these Mayflower...

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