Chess Made Easy: New and Comprehensive Rules for Playing the Game of Chess with Examples from Philidor, Cunningham, Etc. Etc. to which is Prefixed a Pleasing Account of Its Origin ... and The Morals of ChessHumphreys, 1802 - 97 pagine |
Altre edizioni - Visualizza tutto
Chess Made Easy: New and Comprehensive Rules for Playing the Game of Chess ... Visualizzazione completa - 1806 |
Chess Made Easy: New and Comprehensive Rules for Playing the Game of Chess ... Visualizzazione completa - 1803 |
Chess Made Easy: New and Comprehensive Rules for Playing the Game of Chess ... Visualizzazione completa - 1815 |
Parole e frasi comuni
adversa adversary adversary's king amusement attack bishop gives check bishop's second square bishop's third square Brahmin check-mate fierge GAME OF CHESS hinder JAMES HUMPHREYS king castles king takes king's bishop's fourth king's bishop's pawn king's fourth square king's knight's fourth king's knight's pawn king's pawn king's rook's fourth king's rook's pawn king's second square king's square king's third square knight takes knight's fourth square knight's third square lose the game lost observed pawn gives check pawn one move pawn takes pawn two moves pawn two steps PHILIDOR playing at chess plays this pawn prince queen takes queen's bishop queen's bishop's pawn queen's fourth square queen's knight's pawn queen's rook's pawn queen's second square queen's third square rook's fourth square rook's square shop's fourth square Sissa take your bishop takes the bishop takes the knight takes the pawn takes the queen takes the rook three pawns vols win the game