Seph Rodney, PhD, was born in Jamaica, and came of age in the Bronx, New York. He was born into anaspirational, Jamaican, working class, orthodox Christian family that wasn't the least bit interested insecular culture. Nevertheless, he discovered who he wanted to be through literature, poetry, visual art,and museums. Indeed, these institutions and disciplines all helped Seph to identify the world he wantedto inhabit and helped him identify and understand his own ambitions. He has an English degree fromLong Island University, Brooklyn; a studio art MFA from the University of California, Irvine; and adoctorate in museum studies from Birkbeck College, University of London, each degree proving to bemore grueling than the previous one.He joined the staff at Hyperallergic in 2016 and became a senior editor two years later. Now he is theopinions editor writing on visual art and related issues. He has also written for The New York Times,CNN, NBC Universal, and American Craft Magazine and penned catalog essays for Joyce J. Scott,Teresita Fernandez, and Meleko Mokgosi, among others. He has appeared on television on the AM Joyshow with Joy Reid and the Jim Jefferies Show on Comedy Central. His book, The Personalization ofthe Museum Visit, was published by Routledge in May of 2019. In 2020 he won the Rabkin ArtsJournalism Prize. He can be heard weekly on the podcast "The American Age."He has taught research methodology courses at Parsons School of Design and writing courses at theSchool of Visual Arts. He has also been a visiting art critic at the Yale School of Art.His current aspirations are to write a second book and find a home with views of the river.