Compliance in HOME Rental Projects: A Guide for Property OwnersU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Community Planning and Development, 2009 - Federal aid to housing - 150 pages |
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2-bedroom accessible units affordability period annual gross income area median income asset management becomes over-income bedrooms Chapter charged codes Contact the PJ ensure exceed fair housing fixed HOME units fixed or floating floating HOME units floating HOME-assisted units group home guidance High HOME Rent HOME funds HOME income limits HOME rent limits HOME Rent unit HOME requirements HOME rules HOME-assisted properties HOME-assisted rental properties HUD's income recertification inspections lead-based paint Low HOME Rent low-income households low-income limit low-income tenant maintenance maximum rent monitoring non-assisted unit noncompliance Occupancy Report over-income tenant owner/manager percent persons with disabilities PJ's properties with fixed property manager property standards property with floating property's Record-Keeping records rent and occupancy rental housing Section source documentation specify Summary of HOME tenant household tenant income tenant pays tenant selection procedures throughout the affordability unit mix requirements units and Low utility allowance written agreement