Contexts in TranslatingContexts in Translating is designed to help translators understand the varieties of contexts and their importance for understanding a text and reproducing the meaning in another language. The contexts include the historical setting of writing a text, the cultural components that make a text unique, the types of audiences for which the translation is intended, and the most efficient and effective ways of producing a satisfactory representation of the source-language text. The structural levels of language are described, and the principal features of text organization are also explained. In addition, the main features of various books on translation are outlined, and a chapter on basic theories of translation is followed by a selective bibliography. |
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actually adjective audience Chapter Chinese completely concepts context creative depend described dialects dictionary discourse distinctive entities especially essentially European Union example experience expressions fact foreign language French text German Gideon Toury grammatical Greek guage Hebrew Bible important indicate Indonesia insights interlingual communication involved John John heard kreteks language and culture language-culture Latin learning lexical Lexical semantics Linguistic Relativism linguistics literal machine translation meanings of words normally noun particular person philosophy of language phrase poetry practice of translating principles of translation problems professional translators programs programs of translation reader receptor language refer referential classes relations between words relevant result semantic semiotic sentence Snell-Hornby sociolinguistics sociosemiotics source text Spanish speaker speaking Spielberg statement structures symbolic technical tence terminology text linguistics theories of translation tion trans translating and interpreting translating texts translation studies translators need types understand University usually verb run verbal vocabulary writing