Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York, Volume 133, Issue 13

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Page 349 - Has studied medicine not less than four full school years of at least nine months each, including four satisfactory courses of at least six months each, in four different calendar years in a medical school registered as maintaining at the time, a satisfactory standard.
Page 677 - ... shall serve for one year, two for two years, and two for three years...
Page 2 - DANIEL BEACH Ph.D. LL.D. Watkins 1914 PLINY T. SEXTON LL.B. LL.D. Palmyra 1912 T. GUILFORD SMITH MACE LL.D. — — — — Buffalo 1918 WILLIAM NOTTINGHAM MA Ph.D.
Page 521 - In order to keep such schools in close touch with the trades, there should be local advisory boards, including representatives of the industries, employers and organized labor.
Page 359 - Applicants examined and licensed by other state examining boards registered by the regents as maintaining standards not lower than those provided by this article...
Page 662 - ... authorized by law to employ a superintendent of schools, who has not had successful experience in teaching for at least three years, or, in lieu thereof, has not completed a three years...
Page 624 - Three for one year, three for two years, and three for three years, and members shall be eligible for reappointment.
Page 348 - The institutions of the university shall include all institutions of higher education which are now or may hereafter be incorporated in this state, and such other libraries, museums or other institutions for higher education as may, in conformity with the ordinances of the regents, after official inspection, be admitted to or incorporated by the university.
Page 434 - The North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, The Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States, The...
Page 449 - Association entertains the opinion that the interests of the profession and of the state would be promoted if all the candidates for admission to the bar should be required to have an education equivalent to at least two years of a college course.

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