Elementary Hydrostatics

Rivingtons, 1876 - 104 σελίδες


Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 48 - ... of the nodes of the Moon's orbit : What is the physical cause of their retrograde motion ? 5. The friction of a body being supposed independent of velocity, to find an expression for the time of a body's descent down a given inclined plane, the friction being equal to ;
Σελίδα 4 - The Pressure of a fluid on any surface with which it is in contact is perpendicular to the surface.
Σελίδα 56 - Now two cubic inches of mercury weigh in round numbers a pound avoirdupois ; consequently it follows, that a column of mercury, whose base is a square inch and whose height is 30 inches, will weigh I 5 Ibs.
Σελίδα 30 - To find whether the equilibrium is stable. 19. Principle of Archimedes. When a body floats freely in a fluid the weight of the body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. Since the weight of the body is equal to the resultant of the...
Σελίδα 71 - Company lias a schedule of rates similar to that which has been described in the case of the Bronx Gas and Electric Company — that is, a minimum charge block form of rate.
Σελίδα 76 - A Siphon, filled with water, has its ends inserted in vessels filled with water ; state what will take place when the vertical distances of the highest point of the Siphon above the...
Σελίδα 33 - TI +gpz is simply a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced, and acting vertically upwards through the centre of gravity of the volume. * Report on recent researches in Hydrodynamics. Beport of the British Association for 1846, p. 16. [Ante, Vol. ip 182.] When simplified in the manner just explained, the equations such as (1) become dp _ / d*u <?M d*u \ du
Σελίδα 78 - It consists of a glass tube of uniform bore closed at A, and terminating at the other end in a bulb. The bulb contains mercury, which extends part of the way up the tube. The space between the mercury and the top of the tube is a vacuum. If the mercury in the instrument be subjected to an increase of heat, it expands and rises higher in the tube.
Σελίδα 49 - Required the weight of an hydrometer, which sinks as deep in rectified spirits, (specific gravity .866,) as it sinks in water when loaded with 67 grains.
Σελίδα 13 - In a fluid at rest, the pressure is the same at all points in the same horizontal plane.

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