Elementary Linear Algebra

Front Cover
Academic Press, Feb 4, 2010 - Mathematics - 768 pages
Elementary Linear Algebra develops and explains in careful detail the computational techniques and fundamental theoretical results central to a first course in linear algebra. This highly acclaimed text focuses on developing the abstract thinking essential for further mathematical study The authors give early, intensive attention to the skills necessary to make students comfortable with mathematical proofs. The text builds a gradual and smooth transition from computational results to general theory of abstract vector spaces. It also provides flexbile coverage of practical applications, exploring a comprehensive range of topics. Ancillary list:* Maple Algorithmic testing- Maple TA- www.maplesoft.com - Includes a wide variety of applications, technology tips and exercises, organized in chart format for easy reference - More than 310 numbered examples in the text at least one for each new concept or application - Exercise sets ordered by increasing difficulty, many with multiple parts for a total of more than 2135 questions - Provides an early introduction to eigenvalues/eigenvectors - A Student solutions manual, containing fully worked out solutions and instructors manual available


Chapter 1 Vectors and Matrices
Chapter 2 Systems of Linear Equations
Chapter 3 Determinants and Eigenvalues
Chapter 4 Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces
Chapter 5 Linear Transformations
Chapter 6 Orthogonality
Chapter 7 Complex Vector Spaces and General Inner Products
Chapter 8 Additional Applications
Miscellaneous Proofs
Complex Numbers
Answers to Selected Exercises

Chapter 9 Numerical Methods

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About the author (2010)

Dr. Stephen Andrilli holds a Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Rutgers University, and is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA, having previously taught at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, MD. He has taught linear algebra to sophomore/junior mathematics, mathematics-education, chemistry, geology, and other science majors for over thirty years. Dr. Andrilli's other mathematical interests include history of mathematics, college geometry, group theory, and mathematics-education, for which he served as a supervisor of undergraduate and graduate student-teachers for almost two decades. He has pioneered an Honors Course at La Salle based on Douglas Hofstadter's "Godel, Escher, Bach, into which he weaves the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Dr. Andrilli lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia with his wife Ene. He enjoys travel, classical music, classic movies, classic literature, science-fiction, and mysteries. His favorite author is J. R. R. Tolkien.Dr. David Hecker has a Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Rutgers University, and is a Professor in the Mathematics Department at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, PA. He has taught linear algebra to sophomore/junior mathematics and science majors for over three decades. Dr. Hecker has previously served two terms as Chair of his department, and his other mathematical interests include real and complex analysis, and linear algebra. He lives on five acres in the farmlands of New Jersey with his wife Lyn, and is very devoted to his four children. Dr. Hecker enjoys photography, camping and hiking, beekeeping, geocaching, science-fiction, humorous jokes and riddles, and rock and country music. His favorite rock group is the Moody Blues.

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