English Poems, Volumes 1-2

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Page 13 - Eyes that displace The neighbour diamond and outface That sunshine by their own sweet grace; Tresses that wear Jewels, but to declare How much themselves more precious are...
Page 11 - Whoe'er she be, That not impossible she That shall command my heart and me; Where'er she lie, Locked up from mortal eye In shady leaves of destiny...
Page 87 - Farewell whatever dear may be, Mother's arms or father's knee, Farewell house, and farewell home! She's for the Moors and martyrdom. Sweet, not so fast! Lo thy fair Spouse Whom thou seek'st with so swift vows, Calls thee back, and bids thee come T'embrace a milder martyrdom.
Page 97 - Heaven thou hast in Him (Fair sister of the seraphim ! ) By all of Him we have in thee ; Leave nothing of myself in me. Let me so read thy life, that I Unto all life of mine may die.
Page 97 - Live in these conquering leaves: live all the same; And walk through all tongues one triumphant flame. Live here, great heart ; and love, and die, and kill ; And bleed, and wound ; and yield and conquer still. Let this immortal life where'er it comes Walk in a crowd of loves and martyrdoms. Let mystic deaths wait on't; and wise souls be The love-slain witnesses of this life of thee.
Page 11 - And teach her fair steps to our Earth ; Till that divine Idea take a shrine Of crystal flesh, through which to shine : Meet you her, my wishes, Bespeak her to my blisses, And be ye call'd, my absent kisses.
Page 17 - Poor world (said I), what wilt thou do To entertain this starry Stranger ? Is this the best thou canst bestow ? A cold, and not too cleanly, manger ? Contend, the powers of Heaven and Earth, To fit a bed for this huge birth ? Chorus: Contend, the powers, etc.
Page 117 - Temple,' and aptly, for in the Temple of God, under His wing, he led his life in St. Mary's Church, near St. Peter's College ; there he lodged under TBRTUI.LIAN'S roof of angels ; there he made his nest more gladly than David's swallow near the house of God : where, like a primitive saint, he offered more prayers in the night than others usually offer in the day ; there he penned these Poems, STEPS for happy souls to climb heaven by.
Page 91 - Poems, sent to a gentlewoman Know you, fair, on what you look: Divinest love lies in this book, Expecting fire from your eyes To kindle this his sacrifice. When your hands untie these strings, Think you've an angel by the wings...
Page 7 - A full-mouth'd diapason swallows all. This done, he lists what she would say to this ; . And she, although her breath's late exercise Had dealt too roughly with her tender throat, Yet summons all her sweet powers for a note. Alas, in vain ! for while, sweet soul, she tries To measure all those wild diversities Of chatt'ring strings, by the small size of one Poor simple voice, raised in a natural tone, She fails ; and failing, grieves ; and grieving, dies ;She dies, and leaves her life the victor's...

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