Essential Upstream Kanban

Front Cover
Blue Hole Press, Sep 25, 2017 - Business & Economics - 54 pages

Ideas for fulfilling customer needs can be generated much faster than they can actually be realized. This is the source of much tension between the organization and its customers, but also within the organization itself.

Upstream Kanban isn't so much about "managing flow," as seen with downstream, Delivery Kanban systems. Instead, it is about marshaling options--having enough choices at the right time, without overburdening the system and the workers who generate those options.

Discover the mechanisms of Upstream Kanban and Customer Kanban for better enterprise business agility.

About the author (2017)

Patrick Steyaert is an integrativethinker and change agent, workingwith organizations to establish flowin knowledge work to improveagility and predictability in thecontext of innovation and change.He is a Lean Kanban trainerand coach and regular speaker atinternational conferences. Patrick isalso the winner of the 2015 Brickell-Key award for his work on Discovery Kanban, a recognition of anexceptional contribution to the Kanban community.