Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the MindPsychology Press, 2 окт. 2015 г. - Всего страниц: 496 This book examines human psychology and behavior through the lens of modern evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary Psychology: The Ne w Science of the Mind, 5/e provides students with the conceptual tools of evolutionary psychology, and applies them to empirical research on the human mind. Content topics are logically arrayed, starting with challenges of survival, mating, parenting, and kinship; and then progressing to challenges of group living, including cooperation, aggression, sexual conflict, and status, prestige, and social hierarchies. Students gain a deep understanding of applying evolutionary psychology to their own lives and all the people they interact with. |
Preface | |
Darwins Theory of Sexual Selection | |
Clarifying Adaptation and Natural Selection | |
Freuds Psychoanalytic Theory | |
Three Theories of the Origins of Complex Adaptive Mechanisms | |
Definition of an Evolved Psychological mechanism | |
Comparing Males and Females | |
Combating the Hostile Forces of Nature | |
Testosterone and Mens Mating Strategies | |
Theories of Mens ShortTerm Mating | |
Behavioral Evidence of ShortTerm Mating | |
Other Contexts Likely to Affect ShortTerm Mating | |
Offsprings Ability to Convert Parental Care into Reproductive Success | |
ParentOffspring Conflict over Mating | |
Summary | |
Kin Recognition and Kin Classification in Humans | |
The Gathering Hypothesis | |
Childrens Antipredator Adaptations | |
Preference for Somewhat older | |
Preference for Similarity | |
What about Lesbian Sexual Orientation? | |
Body Fat WaisttoHip Ratio and Body Mass Index | |
Context Effects on Mens Mating behavior | |
Investment by Aunts Uncles and Cousins | |
Problems of Group Living | |
Critical Thinking Questions | |
Challenges of Parenting and Kinship | |
The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology | |
Challenges of Sex and Mating | |
Другие издания - Просмотреть все
Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind, Fifth Edition David Buss Недоступно для просмотра - 2014 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
adaptive problems aggression ancestral attractive women average behavior benefits Buss child chimpanzees coalitions cognitive commitment competition conflict contexts cooperation Cosmides costs cues cultures Daly & Wilson desire dominance emotional evidence evolution evolutionary history evolutionary psychology evolutionary theory evolved psychological mechanisms example father female fertility findings function genes genetic relatedness genetic relatives homicide humans hunter-gatherer hunting hypothesis inclusive fitness increased infanticide infidelity jealousy kill long-term mate male man’s mate preferences mate retention mate value men’s mother natural selection offspring one’s ovulation parent-offspring conflict parental investment percent person physical attractiveness potential predators predicted psychological adaptations rape rates reciprocal altruism relationship reproductive success reproductive value risk sex differences sex partners sexual access sexual selection sexual strategy Shackelford short-term mating short-term mating strategy siblings signal social solve specific sperm sperm competition status survival tactics tend Tooby violence woman