Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon: Made Under Direction of the Navy Department, 第 1 卷Robert Armstrong, public printer, 1853 |
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Amazon arrived arroba ascend Barra beach boat Brazil Brazilian called Calm canoe cargo carried Castelnau Cerro Pasco Chanchamayo Chasuta commenced Conibos cotton Cuiabá cultivation cumulus clouds distance eastward Egas eight Father feet five forest four gave Gibbon give governor hacienda half cents half-past hills hour Huallaga Huallaga river Huanuco hundred and fifty Ijurra Indians inhabitants island labor lake land left bank Light breeze Lima miles Moderate breeze monkeys Montaña mountains mouth Moyobamba mules Mundrucus musquitoes Nauta navigation nearly Negro night padre Pará passed Peru Peruvian plantains port pounds province rain right bank river road rock salt fish Santarem Sarayacu sarsaparilla savages seemed Shapaja shore stratus clouds stream Tabatinga Tapajos Tarapoto Tarma thirty thousand dollars Ticunas Tingo Maria told town traveller trees tributaries twelve twenty twenty-five Ucayali valley village wind wood yards Yurimaguas
第 365 頁 - The castled crag of Drachenfels * Frowns o'er the wide and winding Rhine, Whose breast of waters broadly swells Between the banks which bear the vine, And hills all rich with blossom'd trees, And fields which promise corn and wine, And scatter'd cities crowning these. Whose far white walls along them shine, Have strew'da scene, which I should see With double joy wert thou with me.
第 360 頁 - ... grant any favor, privilege, or immunity whatever, in matters of commerce and navigation, to other nations, which shall not be also immediately extended to the citizens of the other contracting party, who shall enjoy the same, gratuitously, if the concession shall have been gratuitous, or on giving a compensation as nearly as possible of proportionate value and effect, to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concession shall have been conditional.
第 343 頁 - Indians, provided with harpoons and long slender reeds, surround the pool closely ; and some climb upon the trees, the branches of which extend horizontally over the surface of the water. By their wild cries, and the length of their reeds, they prevent the horses from running away and reaching the bank of the pool. The eels, stunned by the noise, defend themselves by the repeated discharge of their electric batteries.
第 343 頁 - The mules and horses appear less frightened; their manes are no longer bristled, and their eyes express less dread. The gymnoti approach timidly the edge of the marsh, where they are taken by means of small harpoons, fastened to long cords.
第 176 頁 - ... in a troubled sea, I was reminded of our Mississippi at its topmost flood ; the waters are quite as muddy and quite as turbid ; but this stream lacked the charm and the fascination which the plantation upon the bank, the city upon the bluff, and the steamboat upon its waters, lend to its fellow of the North; nevertheless, I felt pleased at its sight. I had already travelled seven hundred miles by water, and fancied that this powerful stream would soon carry me to the ocean ; but the water-travel...
第 342 頁 - To catch the gymnoti with nets is very difficult, on account of the extreme agility of the fish, which bury themselves in the mud like serpents.
第 342 頁 - We found it difficult to form an idea of this extraordinary manner of fishing; but we soon saw our guides return from the savannah, which they had been scouring for wild horses and mules. They brought about thirty with them, which they forced to enter the pool. The extraordinary noise caused by the horses' hoofs makes the fish issue from the mud, and excites them to combat.
第 335 頁 - The common sentiment of the civilized world is against the renewal of the African slave trade ; therefore must Brazil turn elsewhere for the compulsory labor necessary to cultivate her lands. Her Indians will not work. Like the llama of Peru, they will die sooner than do more than is necessary for the support of their being. I am under the impression that, were Brazil to throw off a causeless jealousy, and a puerile fear of our people, and invite settlers to the Valley of the Amazon, there might...
第 233 頁 - Knight Pensioner of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Charles the Third, Member of the Supreme Assembly of the said Royal Order; of the Council of His Catholic Majesty; his Secretary, with Exercise of Decrees, and His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the United States of America.
第 343 頁 - ... extremities. The horses are probably not killed, but only stunned. They are drowned from the impossibility of rising amid the prolonged struggle between the other horses and the eels.