Fairness and Competence in Citizen Participation: Evaluating Models for Environmental DiscourseOrtwin Renn, Thomas Webler, Peter Wiedemann Ortwin Renn Thomas Wehler Peter Wiedemann In late July of 1992 the small and remote mountain resort of Morschach in the Swiss Alps became a lively place of discussion, debate, and discourse. Over a three-day period twenty-two analysts and practitioners of public participation from the United States and Europe came together to address one of the most pressing issues in contemporary environmental politics: How can environmental policies be designed in a way that achieves both effective protection of nature and an adequate representation of public values? In other words, how can we make the environmental decision process competent and fair? All the invited scholars from academia, international research institutes, and governmental agencies agreed on one fundamental principle: For environmental policies to be effective and legitimate, we need to involve the people who are or will be affected by the outcomes of these policies. There is no technocratic solution to this problem. Without public involvement, environmental policies are doomed to fail. The workshop was preceded by a joint effort by the three editors to develop a framework for evaluating different models of public participation in the environmental policy arena. During a preliminary review of the literature we made four major observations. These came to serve as the primary motivation for this book. First, the last decade has witnessed only a fair amount of interest within the sociological or political science communities in issues of public participation. |
Philosophy | 17 |
Citizens Advisory Committee as a Model | 103 |
A Gate to Fractal Mediation | 117 |
Problems of Legitimation | 141 |
One Solution for Difficult Environmental | 157 |
Regulatory Negotiation as a Form of Public Participation | 223 |
Mediation | 253 |
Insights into the Microcosm | 267 |
The Role | 283 |
Additional Thoughts | 297 |
A Multiple Group | 305 |
The Dutch Study Groups Revisited | 321 |
The Pursuit of Fair and Competent Citizen Participation | 339 |
APPENDIX | 369 |
Other editions - View all
Fairness and Competence in Citizen Participation: Evaluating Models for ... Ortwin Renn,Thomas Webler,Peter Wiedemann No preview available - 1995 |
Fairness and Competence in Citizen Participation Ortwin Renn,Thomas Webler,Peter Wiedemann No preview available - 2014 |
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acceptable action activities administrative affected agency agenda agreement approach arguments Assessment authority choice Citizens Jury collective committee competence concerns consensus considered criteria critical debate decide decision defined developed discourse discussion environmental equal established evaluation example experts facilitator facility fairness final given groups Habermas hearings impacts important individual initial institutions interaction interest groups interests involved issues jurors knowledge limited Management means mediation meetings method negotiation normative opinion opportunity organizations outcome participatory parties Planning Cells political position possible potential practical present Press problem procedure promote proposed public participation question rational reason recommendations refers regulatory representatives requires resolution resolve responsibility Risk role rules selection siting situation social society solution speech stakeholders structure technical theory understanding University validity claims values Varresbecker waste