Fay JonesT. S. Eliot once said that good poetry communicates before it is understood. The same can be said about Seattle artist Fay Jones's paintings. Even before we sort them out logically, the images pass along a message that can be at once funny, profound, and a little chilling. During the 30 years she has been exhibiting on the West Coast, Jones has become one of the region's most esteemed artists. With their beauty and insight, her paintings have the rare ability to satisfy sophisticated curators and collectors, and still charm the general public. Jones's work is especially appreciated by the most discerning audience of all: other artists. Rife with signs and pregnant with ambiguity, chanting and rhyming and divining like 21 st-century Sibyls, Jones's paintings can induce a state of poetry in anyone who sees them. |
Common terms and phrases
39 Collection 514 Collection Acrylic and collage Acrylic and sumi Acrylic on paper Art Center artist Page 118 artist Page 63 Artist Trust Bellevue Art Museum Bellingham Boise Art Museum Bumbershoot Festival collage on paper color Contemporary Exhibition Fay Jones Fay Jones's Fay says Fay's paintings figures Francine Seders Gallery Full Length Feature Hackett Henry Art Gallery History and Art images ink on paper Intelligencer Jones painting Laura Russo Gallery Lifting the Veil Love Lies Bleeding Monkey Dress mounted on wood Museum of History n.d. Acrylic n.d. Sumi ink narrative Northwest Art Northwest Artists Notebook IX Acrylic okawara paper Oregonian paper mounted Poppaea's Herd Portland Private collection Regina Richard Thurston Seattle Art Museum Seattle Center Seattle Post Seattle Post-Intelligencer Smallwood Spokane Stories studio Tacoma Art Museum Thrice Told University of Washington Updike W. H. Auden Wash Weekly Whatcom Museum Women Artists wood panel