Fractals and Chaos in Geology and GeophysicsThe fundamental concepts of fractal geometry and chaotic dynamics, along with the related concepts of multifractals, self-similar time series, wavelets, and self-organized criticality, are introduced in this book, for a broad range of readers interested in complex natural phenomena. Now in a greatly expanded, second edition, this book relates fractals and chaos to a variety of geological and geophysical applications. All concepts are introduced at the lowest possible level of mathematics consistent with their understanding, so that the reader requires only a background in basic physics and mathematics. |
Scale invariance | 1 |
Fragmentation | 28 |
Seismicity and tectonics | 56 |
Ore grade and tonnage | 81 |
Fractal clustering | 100 |
Selfaffine fractals | 132 |
Geomorphology | 181 |
Dynamical systems | 219 |
Sliderblock models | 245 |
Lorenz equations | 256 |
Is mantle convection chaotic? | 269 |
Rikitake dynamo | 279 |
Renormalization group method | 289 |
Selforganized criticality | 316 |
Where do we stand? | 341 |
Logistic map | 231 |
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Common terms and phrases
applicable array bifurcation boxes Cantor set chaotic behavior cluster coefficient consider construction convection correlation cubes cumulative D₂ density deposition Determine deterministic drainage networks earthquake elements example failure fault first-order cell fractal dimension fractal distribution fractal relation fractal statistics fractal trees fractional Brownian walks fractional Gaussian noises fragmentation frequency-size given in Figure grid illustrated in Figure iteration Koch island length limit cycle line segment linear log-normal log-normal distribution logistic map Lorenz equations Lyapunov exponent Menger sponge multifractal N₁ N₂ nondimensional obtained occur p₁ parameter particles permeable probability Problem r₁ r₂ random range ratio Rayleigh number renormalization group result scale invariant second order second-order sediments seismicity self-affine self-affine fractal self-organized criticality self-similar sequence Sierpinski carpet slider blocks sliding solutions spectral square stress tectonic third-order tion topography Turcotte two-dimensional unstable values wave number wavelet x₁ Y₁ Y₂ zero zero-order
Popular passages
Page 347 - ... (1981b) Lunar seismology: the internal structure of the moon. /. Geophys. Res. 86:5061-5074. Golombek, MP (1979) Structural analysis of lunar grabens and the shallow crustal structure of the Moon. /. Geophys. Res. 84:4657-4666. Greeley, R., and Gault, D. (1970) Precision sizefrequency distributions of craters for 12 selected areas of the lunar surface. The Moon 2:10-77. Grieve, RAF (1980) Cratering in the lunar highlands: some problems with the process, record and effects. Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands...
Page 351 - King, GCP, Stein, RS, and Rundle, JB, 1988, The growth of geological structures by repeated earthquakes, 1: Conceptual framework: Journal of Geophysical Research, v.