From the Projects to the Pentagon: 3 Simple Ways to Change Your Life Forever!

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Author House, 13 mar. 2005 - 136 pagini


Wouldnt you rather live a life of peace and spiritual satisfaction, or would you like to continue to go in circles with no apparent destination in mind? Have you gotten tired of the same old same old stuff? This book has been written to help anyone who wants to give their life to Christ, or has given their life to Christ, but just havent figured out what steps to take to be the best that they can. Three easy steps will get you on your way for good!

You will discover how easy it will be to:

Figure out what you want out of life Go about getting what you deserve

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Despre autor (2005)

The author was born and raised in Gary Indiana. He was a member of the US Coast Guard Honor Guard. He was also a member the US Army, and the North Carolina National Guard. He is a graduate of Mount Olive College. He is also an Associate Minister. He has an awesome wife and family of three. While he was a teenager his mother, and uncle were brutally murdered. Many of his family members were either killed or died from other causes, but God has taught Darryl to trust in him. In Jesus'' name! Darryl wants to show as many people as possible how their lives could be incredibly awesome if they would trust in Jesus! 3 easy steps to change your life forever in Jesus'' name!

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