GB 5009.270-2016 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GB5009.270-2016): National food safety standard - Determination of Inositol in Foods [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 30 nov 2018 - 17 pagina's This Standard specifies the method of determining inositol in foods. Method I in this Standard is applicable to the determination of inositol in foods; Method II in this Standard is applicable to the determination of inositol in modulated dairy products and beverages. |
3 | |
Scope | 4 |
Instruments and Equipment | 6 |
Expression of Analytical Result | 9 |
Precision | 10 |
Instruments and Equipment | 11 |
Analytical Procedures | 12 |
Expression of Analytical Result | 13 |
Precision | 14 |
Appendix A Culture Medium and Reagent | 15 |
Appendix B Gas Chromatogram of Inositol Standard Derivative | 17 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
100 mL volumetric absolute ethanol absorb-take accurate to 0.1 acid solution 0.44 autoclave blank test tube concentration bottle concentration of inositol conical flask constant volume detection limit Determination of Inositol dissolve draw a standard ethanol to dilute Extract Agar slant g accurate g of sodium gas chromatograph hexamethyldisilazane hexane hydrochloric acid solution independent determination results inoculum suspension inositol determination Inositol in Foods limit of quantitation liquid sample Malt Extract Agar medium for inositol Method microorganism mL of hydrochloric mL of inositol mL volumetric flask N-dimethylformamide National Food Safety number of test obtained under repeatability oscillating incubator Phosphorus pentoxide r/min Rotary evaporator S2 of inoculation silanization reagent slant culture medium sodium chloride solution sodium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide solution solution 0.44 mol/L solution 1 mol/L solution 9 g/L spectrophotometer Standard Curve Drawing standard substance standard test solution Standard Working Solution Sulfate supernatant temperature test tube S2 times/min tube S1 ultrasonic usage weigh-take