GB 5009.9-2016 Translated English of Chinese Standard. GB5009.9-2016: National food safety standard - Determination of starch in foods [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This standard specifies the determination of starch in food. The method 1 and the method 2 of this standard apply to the determination of starch in food (except for meat products); the method 3 is applicable to the determination of starch in meat products, BUT it does not apply to the determination of starch in other additions which contains both the hydrolyzed and the reducing sugar. |
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250 mL conical ADD 20 mL ADD water alkaline copper tartrate anhydrous ethanol boiling water bath Bromothymol blue calculated in accordance calibrating 10 mL constant volume Copper sulfate copper tartrate solution D-anhydrous glucose Determination of starch ether or ether filter paper filtrate formula g accurate g of potassium g of sodium glucose content glucose standard solution Hydrochloric acid solution hydroxide solution 200 iodine Lead acetate mass of glucose Methyl red milligrams mg milliliters mL MIX it uniformly mL conical flask mL of alkaline mL of hydrochloric mL of water mL volumetric flask petroleum ether Potassium ferrocyanide Potassium hydroxide Potassium iodide reach to 100 reagent blank reducing sugar sample hydrolysis solution sodium hydroxide solution Sodium sulfate sodium thiosulfate standard soluble sugars solution 200 g/L standard solution consumed starch content tartrate solution 50 thiosulfate standard solution tissue crusher titration volume of glucose volume of sample volume reach water to dilute water to dissolve