GB/T 3683-2023 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB/T 3683-2023, GBT3683-2023): Rubber hoses and hose assemblies - Wire-braid-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids - Specification [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 17. apr. 2024 - 22 sider This Document specifies the requirements for 6 types of steel wire braided reinforced hoses and hose assemblies with nominal inner diameters of 5 ~ 51. This Document also specifies Type-2SN and Type-R2AT hoses with a nominal inside diameter of 63 and Type-2SN hose with a nominal inside diameter of 76. This Document applies to hoses and hose assemblies used with the following media: --- In the temperature range of -40¡æ ~ +100¡æ, HH, HL, HM, HR and HV oil-based hydraulic fluids defined by ISO 6743-4; --- In the temperature range of 0¡æ ~ +70¡æ, HFC, HFAE, HFAS and HFB water-based hydraulic fluids defined by ISO 6743-4; --- Water in the temperature range of 0¡æ ~ +70¡æ. This Document excludes requirements for pipe joints, only include requirements for hoses and hose assemblies. NOTE: It is the user's responsibility to consult the hose manufacturer to confirm the compatibility of the hose with the fluid being used. |
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2SN and Type accordance with ISO according to ISO Appendix Bonding strength Burst pressure test Clause completed by hose covering layer thickness destructive test diameter of 76 Document Edition flexibility and stiffness fluid resistance test GB/T given in Table Hebei Henan Hose assemblies Hose hose shall withstand hoses and hose hoses and tubing Hydrostatic testing inspection and routine Length change test lengths of hose lining layer Manufacture Acceptance Inspection maximum outer cladding maximum outer covering maximum working pressure Measurement of flexibility Measurement of outer Minimum bending radius nominal inner diameter outer cladding thickness outer covering layer outer diameter plastics hoses pressure is 125 pulse pressure reinforcement layer routine inspection Rubber and plastics Rubber Hoses Shenyang steel wire braided tested according Type inspection Type-2SN and Type-R2AT Type-R2AT hoses unit expression Verification pressure test Visual inspection volume change rate water-based hydraulic fluid Wear resistance test wire braided layer withstand at least