Geography of the British Colonies and Foreign Possessions ... Designed as a Handbook to Philips' Atlas of the British Empire

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1874 - Всего страниц: 224

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Стр. 56 - A few months after this event the House of Commons passed a resolution to the effect " that it is the right of all Englishmen to trade to the East Indies, or any part of the world, unless prohibited by Act of Parliament.
Стр. 164 - There birds,! although they cannot fly, In swiftness with the greyhound vie ; With equal wonder you may see The foxes fly from tree to tree, And what they value most, so wary, These foxes in their pockets carry ; The sun, when you to face him turn ye, From right to left performs his journey ; The north winds scorch, but when the breeze is Full from the south, why then it freezes.
Стр. 164 - There birds, although they cannot fly, In swiftness with the greyhound vie. With equal wonder you may see The foxes fly from tree to tree. And what they value most, so wary, These foxes in their pockets carry. The sun, when you to face him turn ye, From right to left performs his journey. The north winds scorch, but when the breeze is Full from the south, why, then it freezes. Now of what place can such strange tales Be told with truth, but New South Wales?
Стр. 163 - There is a land in distant seas Full of all contrarieties, There beasts have mallards' bills and legs, Have spurs like cocks, like hens lay eggs. There parrots walk upon the ground, And grass upon the trees is found; On other trees — another wonder — Leaves without upper side or under. There pears you'll scarce with hatchet cut; Stones are outside the cherries put; Swans...
Стр. 223 - Plantations, 4 Connecticut, 5 New York, 6 New Jersey, 7 Pennsylvania, 8 Delaware, 9 Maryland, 10 Virginia, 11 North Carolina, 12 South Carolina, 13 Georgia. It is to be noticed that this is the order in which the delegates signed the original " Articles of Confederation," and is the geographical order of the colonies from north to south.
Стр. 163 - There beasts have mallards' bills and legs. Have spurs like cocks, like hens lay eggs. There parrots walk upon the ground, And grass upon the trees is found ; On other trees — another wonder — Leaves without upper side or under. There pears you'll scarce with hatchet cut ; Stones are outside the cherries put ; Swans are not white, but black as soot ; There neither leaf, nor root, nor fruit, Will any Christian palate suit ; Unless in desperate need you'll fill ye With root of fern and stalk of...
Стр. 220 - Places must not be indicated by letters or figures referring to a list of names at the side, but Hie nami:S themselves must be inserted in the map.
Стр. 3 - It is a shameful and unblessed thing to take the scum of people and wicked condemned men, to be the people with whom you plant; and not only so, but it spoileth the plantation ; for they will ever live like rogues, and not fall to work, but be lazy, and do mischief, and spend victuals, and be quickly weary...
Стр. 162 - Southerly Buster," as this change is called, generally comes " sounding on, Like the storm-wind from Labrador, The wind Euroolydon," early in the evening. A cloud of dust — they call it, in Sydney, a " brickfielder " — thicker than any London fog, heralds its approach, and moves like a compact wall across the country. In a minute the temperature will sink fifty or sixty degrees, and so keenly does the sudden change affect the system, that hot toddy takes the place of the sherry-cobbler, and your...
Стр. 221 - If the candidate can put in and correctly number the lines of latitude and longitude, it will add to the value of the exercise.

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