Goodbye, Walter: The Inspiring Story of a Terminal Cancer Patient

Front Cover
WindRiver Publishing, Incorporated, 2005 - Health & Fitness - 186 pages
In February of 1997, Walter Schifter was dying of cancer. During the final three weeks of his life, RuthAnn Hogue visited him frequently and reported his thoughts and fears in a series of articles for the i]Daily News-Sun /i], a newspaper serving the Sun Cities in Arizona. Walter's pain and misery put him on the verge of suicide, but compassionate hospice care reawakens his zest for life as he teaches us how to care for the dying and shows us the dignity and worth of every individual. Ms. Hogue's encounters with Walter touched her so, that she experienced a spiritual awakening and a re-commitment to the relationships in her own life. Join them on their journey to the edge of life in this remarkable and inspiring story.

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About the author (2005)

RuthAnn Hogue is an associate faculty member of Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Telecommunications and Journalism. She previously taught journalism and writing courses for the University of Arizona and occasionally teaches workshops on time management. She holds a current Arizona teaching certificate and has taught journalism and English at Phoenix-area high schools.Hogue has captured numerous awards for her work as a journalist, including many first-place prizes. In 1997, the Arizona Newspapers Association honored the Daily News-Sun with a first-place award in its class for Journalistic Achievement for "The Journey Home: Diary of a terminal cancer patient." Hogue was so touched by the experiences she shared with Walter and Lillian Schifter while reporting the series that she felt compelled to convert it into a book.The result, Good-bye Walter: The Inspiring Story of a Terminal Cancer Patient, was published in September 2005. In November 2005, Barnes & Noble Booksellers recognized the title as Book of the Month for its Phoenix and Tucson-area stores. It went on to earn additional accolades as the first-place recipient for nonfiction books, memoir, in Arizona Press Women's 2006 Communications Contest. Goodbye, Walter advanced to earn second-place in national competition with the National Federation of Press Women. Hogue accepted the award in Denver in September 2006.Hogue, born in 1962, is the mother of five children... She enrolled in college in 1993 and graduated in August 1997 from Arizona State University with a bachelor's degree in Print Journalism and a minor in Political Science. She received several prestigious scholarships while attending ASU's Walter Cronkite School of Telecommunication and Journalism, including two from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation.

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