Greek MemoriesLuca Castagnoli, Paola Ceccarelli Cambridge University Press, 24 בינו׳ 2019 - 433 עמודים Greek Memories aims to identify and examine the central concepts underlying the theories and practices of memory in the Greek world, from the archaic period to Late Antiquity, across all the main literary genres, and to trace some fundamental changes in these theories and practices. It explores the interaction and development of different 'disciplinary' approaches to memory in Ancient Greece, which will enable a fuller and deeper understanding of the whole phenomenon, and of its specific manifestations. This collection of papers contributes to enriching the current scholarly discussion by refocusing it on the question of how various theories and practices of memory, recollection, and forgetting play themselves out in specific texts and authors from Ancient Greece, within a wide chronological span (from the Homeric poems to Plotinus), and across a broad range of genres and disciplines (epic and lyric poetry, tragedy, comedy, historiography, philosophy and scientific prose treatises). |
of Memory | 53 |
Speaking in the Wax Tablets of Memory | 68 |
vi | 72 |
Memory and Forgetting in the Classical Period | 91 |
Aristophanes and his Muses or Memory in a Comic Key | 115 |
Memory the Orators and the Public in Fourth Century | 136 |
The Place and Nature of Memory in Greek Historiography | 158 |
When Sappho Taught Socrates How to Forget | 179 |
Helen and Menelaus | 259 |
The Epicurean Road to Happiness | 278 |
Memory Mnemonics and Literature | 295 |
Plotinus on Memory Recollection and Discursive Thought | 310 |
Remembering and Forgetting | 325 |
The Greek Philosophers on How to Memorise and Learn | 343 |
References | 363 |
407 | |
Memory and Recollection in Platos Philebus | 216 |
Is Memory of the Past? Aristotle on the Objects | 236 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Greek Memories: Theories and Practices <span dir=ltr>Luca Castagnoli</span>,<span dir=ltr>Paola Ceccarelli</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2023 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Aelian Aeschines Aeschylus Agócs Ajax Ajax's ancient Andromache Aristophanes Aristotle Aristotle's Athenian Athens audience chapter chorus claims comedy comic poets context cultural memory deeds Demosthenes dialogue Dionysia discussion divine Ennead epic Epicurus Euripides example fact fifth century forgetfulness genre Greek Helen Herodotus Hesiod Homeric honours human hymenaios Iliad images inscribed judgement kleos knowledge metaphor mnēmē mnemonic Mnemosyne Muses narrative nature objects oblivion oral orators passage past perception performance Phaedrus philosophical Pindar Plato play Plotinus poem poetic poetry present preserved Protagoras recall reciprocity recollection references remember rhetorical ritual role Sappho sensation Simonides Socrates song soul speech story Strepsiades tablets Tecmessa Teucer Theaetetus Theocritus things thought Thucydides tradition tragedy transl volume women words writing Zeus ἀλλ ἂν γὰρ δὲ ἐν ἐς καὶ μὲν μνήμη ὅτι οὐ οὐκ περὶ τὰ τε τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῖς τὸν τοῦ τῷ τῶν ὡς