Harvesting, Handling, and Transportation of Citrus Fruits: A Digest of Information on the Subject Published Mostly from 1938 to 1948 |
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Common terms and phrases
Agriculture Agron Argentina ascorbic acid Assoc bacon beef Biológico blight bosques Brazil British Guiana British Honduras cacao Calif California Canada carcass cattle caused Cercospora Chile Citrog citrus fruits Colombia Cong consumption Coop cooperative decay Discusses doenças Ecuador effect enfermedades English summary Estado Expt Farm Econ farmers Florida Forestry Frozen Food Locker Frozen Foods fungi fungus Fusarium grading grapefruit Gt Brit hogs illus Includes Indus industry Inst Internatl Iowa juice July June kenaf lamb leaf spot lemons Libr livestock livestock marketing locker plants meat inspection Méx Mexico Natl navel oranges Pan Amer Paulo percent Phytopathology Phytophthora pigs pork problems Proc reported São Paulo Sept slaughter South species spraying stem-end rot storage temperatures timber tion trees Trinidad tropical U. S. Bur United Uruguay Valencia oranges vegetation Venezuela virus diseases vitamin Washington Winston woods Y1Tr