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29. lappuse - An act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded, or poisonous, or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes...
37. lappuse - For board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of said board by the courts of the District...
437. lappuse - That certain and adequate provision shall have been made for the payment of just compensation to the party or parties entitled thereto, either by previous appropriation by the United States or by the deposit of moneys or other form of security in such amount and form as shall be approved by the court in which such proceedings shall be instituted.
347. lappuse - For groceries, provisions, light, fuel, soap, oil, lamps, candles, clothing, shoes, forage, horseshoeing, medicines, medical attendance, hack hire, transportation, labor, sewing machines, fixtures, books, stationery, horses, vehicles, harness, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, repairs, typewriting, stenography, and other necessary items, including compensation not exceeding $350 for additional labor or...
5. lappuse - No estimate or request for an appropriation and no request for an increase in an item of any such estimate or request and no recommendation as to how the revenue needs of the Government should be met shall be submitted to Congress or any committee thereof by any officer or employee of any department or establishment unless at the request of either House of Congress.
261. lappuse - ... every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have
175. lappuse - An Act to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia...
8. lappuse - USC 77, 78), and shall be under the direction and control of the Commissioners, who may from time to time alter or change the assignment for use thereof, or direct the alteration or interchangeable use of any of the same by officers and employees of the District, except as otherwise provided in this Act. "Official purposes...
21. lappuse - All taxes collected shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, and the same, as well as the appropriations to be made by Congress as aforesaid, shall be disbursed for the expenses of said District, on itemized vouchers, which shall have been audited and approved by the auditor of the District of Columbia, certified by said Commissioners, or a majority of them...
27. lappuse - An Act to regulate the hours of employment and safeguard the health of females employed in the District of Columbia.

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