Henry VI, Part 3

Front Cover
Independently Published, Apr 24, 2020 - Drama - 118 pages
Alarum. Enter YORK, EDWARD, RICHARD, NORFOLK, MONTAGUE, WARWICK, and SoldiersWARWICKI wonder how the king escaped our hands.YORKWhile we pursued the horsemen of the north, He slily stole away and left his men: Whereat the great Lord of Northumberland, Whose warlike ears could never brook retreat, Cheer'd up the drooping army; and himself, Lord Clifford and Lord Stafford, all abreast, Charged our main battle's front, and breaking in Were by the swords of common soldiers slain.EDWARDLord Stafford's father, Duke of Buckingham, Is either slain or wounded dangerously; I cleft his beaver with a downright blow: That this is true, father, behold his blood.MONTAGUEAnd, brother, here's the Earl of Wiltshire's blood, Whom I encounter'd as the battles join'd.RICHARDSpeak thou for me and tell them what I did.Throwing down SOMERSET's headYORKRichard hath best deserved of all my sons. But is your grace dead, my Lord of Somerset?NORFOLKSuch hope have all the line of John of Gaunt!RICHARDThus do I hope to shake King Henry's head.WARWICKAnd so do I. Victorious Prince of York, Before I see thee seated in that throne Which now the house of Lancaster usurps, I vow by heaven these eyes shall never close. This is the palace of the fearful king, And this the regal seat: possess it, York; For this is thine and not King Henry's heirs'

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