History of Congregationalism, Volume 2

Front Cover

Common terms and phrases

Popular passages

Page 506 - and feed on him in thy heart by faith, with thanksgiving." And when the cup is delivered : " Drink this in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for thee, and be thankful." Elizabeth's book requires the minister to say in delivering the bread : " The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thce, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting
Page 413 - It is also seemly that graduates, when they do preach, should use such hoods as pertaineth to their several degrees. And whenever the bishop shall celebrate the holy communion in the church, or execute any other public ministration, he shall have upon him, besides his rochet, a surplice or
Page 413 - a vestment or cope. And when there be many priests or deacons, then so many shall be ready to help the priest in the ministration as shall be requisite. And shall have upon them likewise the vestures appointed for the ministry, that is to say, albs, with
Page 506 - The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Drink this,
Page 413 - and a cope or vestment, and also his pastoral staff in his hand, or else borne or holden by his chaplain. Upon the day, and at the time appointed for the holy ministration of the holy communion, the priest that shall execute the holy ministry shall put upon him the vesture appointed for that ministration, that is to say, a white alb, plain,
Page 41 - All such issue, male, as I have received of the queen, died incontinent [immediately] after they were born; so that I doubt the punishment of God in that behalf." The punishment to which he refers is doubtless that alluded to in Leviticus 20: 21. "If a man shall take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing : * * * they shall be childless.
Page 405 - according to the tenor and effect hereafter following, that is to say: " I, AB, do utterly testify and declare in my conscience, »that the queen's highness is the only supreme governor of this
Page 175 - therefore, wishing a godly unity to be observed in all our diocese, and for that the form of a table may more move and turn the simple from the old superstitious opinions of the popish •mass, and to the right use of the Lord's supper, , 'we exhort the curates, church-wardens, and questmen here present, to erect and set up the Lord's
Page 175 - after the form of an honest table, decently covered, in such place of the quire or chancel as shall be thought most meet by their discretion and agreement, so that the ministers, with the communicants, may have their place separated from the
Page 146 - schoolmasters * I will tell you this, (and I speak it even as I think,) his majesty hath more godly wit and understanding, more learning and knowledge at this age, than twenty of his progenitors, that I could name, had at any time of their life.'" — Ecc. Mems, vol. n. pt. i. bk. i. ch. 4, p.

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