Hortus Jamaicensis: Or A Botanical Description, (according to the Linnean System) and an Account of the Virtues, &c., of Its Indigenous Plants Hitherto Known, as Also of the Most Useful Exotics. Compiled from the Best Authorities, and Alphabetically Arranged ...

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Printed at the office of the St. Jago de la Vega gazette, 1814 - Botany

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Page 13 - The tub is then filled again with blades, and so alternately, till the labourer has produced his jar full, or about four gallons and a half of juice, which is often done in six or seven hours, and he has then the remainder of the day to himself — it being his employer's interest to get each day's operation as quickly done as possible.
Page 13 - The proper time to skip or ladle it out of the tatch, is when it is arrived at what is termed a resin height, or when it cuts freely, or in thin flakes from the edges of a small wooden slice, that is dipped from time to time into the tatch for that pur. pose. A little lime.water is used by some aloe boilers during the process, when the ebullition is too great.
Page 472 - The candle-box was made and approved ; insomuch that the doctor then insisted on having a bureau made of the same wood, •which was accordingly done ; and the fine colour, polish, &c., were so pleasing, that he invited all his friends to come and see it, and among them the Duchess of Buckingham.
Page 436 - It bears washing extremely well, with common soap, or the coratoe soap, and acquires a degree of whiteness equal to the best artificial lace. There is no doubt but very fine cloths might be made with it, and perhaps paper. The negroes have made apparel with it of a very durable nature. The common use to which it is at present applied is rope making. The Spaniards are said to work it into cables, and the Indians employ it in a variety of different fabrics.
Page 220 - The great use of coffee in France is supposed to have abated the prevalence of the gravel. In the French colonies, where coffee is more used than in the English, as well as in Turkey, where it is the principal beverage, not only the gravel, but the gout, is scarcely known.
Page 308 - ... the other on the same petiole was quiescent; sometimes a few leaflets only were in motion, then almost all of them would be in movement, at once ; the whole plant was very seldom agitated, and that only during the first year.
Page 13 - filled with the juice; and, as it ripens, or becomes more inspissated, by a constant but regular fire, it is ladled forward from boiler to boiler, and fresh juice is added to that...
Page 472 - As the Doctor was then building a house in King Street, Covent Garden, his brother thought they might be of service to him ; but the carpenters finding the wood too hard for their tools, they were laid aside as useless. Soon after Mrs. Gibbons wanting a candle-box, the...
Page 323 - Ginger is propagated by the smaller pieces, prongs, or protuberances of the root, each of which throws up two different stems ; the first bears the leaves, and rises to the height sometimes of three feet or upwards, but its usual growth seldom exceeds 18 inches.
Page 261 - Its trunk rises to fifty, sixty, and a hundred feet high; is round, upright, and studded with protuberances, which are the vestiges of the decayed leaves. From the top issues forth a cluster of leaves or branches eight or nine feet long, extending all round like an umbrella, and bending a little towards the earth. The bottom part produces a number of stalks like those of the middle, but seldom shooting so high as four or five feet. These stalks, says Adanson, diffuse the tree very considerably ;...

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