Illustrations, Historical and Critical, of the Life of Lorenzo De' Medici, Called the Magnificent, 2. köide

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T. Cadell, 1822 - 391 pages

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Page 73 - Behind him cast ; the broad circumference Hung on his shoulders like the moon, whose orb Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views At evening from the top of Fesole Or in Valdarno, to descry new lands, Rivers, or mountains, in her spotty globe.
Page 62 - Mais l'histoire s'écrit, quelquefois, d'une manière artificieuse : l'esprit de parti, les préjugés, l'intérêt, les opinions sur ce qu'on appelle prudence, et quantité d'autres motifs, font altérer, mutiler, ou supprimer des documents authentiques, des autorités certaines, et des faits évidents : tantôt, la paresse l'emporte, tantôt, la négligence; un historien en copie un autre, et ne se donne point la peine, ou ne se soucie guères, de recourir aux • pieces originales.
Page 79 - Tenhove united an indisputable taste in the productions of all the fine arts, and a general knowledge of the state of manners, and the progress of science, in every period of society. The fertility of his genius, and the extent of his information, have enabled him to intersperse his narrative with a variety of interesting digressions and brilliant observations; and the most engaging work that has, perhaps, ever appeared, on a subject of literary history, is written by a native of one country, in...
Page 200 - ... importance to those of amusement and levity, suggested to his countrymen the idea that he had two distinct souls combined in one body. Even his moral character seems to have partaken in some degree of the same diversity, and his devotional poems are as ardent as his lighter pieces are licentious. On all sides, he touched the extremes of human character, and the powers of his mind were only bounded by that impenetrable circle which prescribes the limits of human nature. ' As a statesman, Lorenzo...
Page 76 - Medici, in the year 1351, with a body of only one hundred Florentines, forced his way through the Milanese army, then besieging the fortress of Scarperia, and entered the place with the loss of twenty lives. Salvestro de...
Page 148 - Rome had any notion of, I imagine we are now arrived at that period which answers to fifteen. I cannot think we are older, when I recollect the many palpable follies which are still (almost) universally persisted in: I place that of war as senseless as the boxing of schoolboys; and whenever we come to man's estate (perhaps a thousand years hence) I do not doubt it will appear as ridiculous as the pranks of unlucky lads.
Page 60 - Io ti lasciai pur qui quel lieto giorno Con Amore e Madonna , anima mia : Lei con Amor parlando se ne gia Sì dolcemente allor che ti sviorno.
Page 220 - But hark, what solemn strains from Arno's vales Breathe raptures wafted on the Tuscan gales ! Lorenzo rears again his awful head, And feels his ancient glories round him spread; The Muses starting from their trance revive, And at their ROSCOE'S bidding, wake and live.
Page 111 - Ed a questa parte si risponde: alcuna cosa non essere manco degna per essere più comune; anzi si pruova ogni bene essere tanto migliore quanto è più comunicabile ed universale, come è di natura sua quello che si chiama
Page 21 - ... vous, citoyen, le livre de M. Roscoe, extrêmement recommandable par les idées libérales qui y sont répandues, par les connoissances étendues et les recherches profondes qu'il renferme sur l'histoire et sur la littérature de la république de Florence, et même du reste de l'Italie. D'ailleurs, le ton de candeur qui y règne par-tout, la manière noble et décente avec laquelle l'auteur discute ou critique les opinions des écrivains qui l'ont précédé dans la même carrière, inspirent...

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