Immigrants in industriesU.S. Government Printing Office, 1911 |
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Armenian Austria-Hungary bituminous boarders or lodgers Bohemian and Moravian Brava Bulgarian Canadian Cigars and tobacco Coal mining Collars and cuffs Copper mining Croatian Cuban Danish Diversified manufactures Dutch employees 18 Finnish Flemish foreign birth foreign father French German Grand total Greek head of household Hebrew households studied households the heads implements and vehicles industry Irish Iron and steel Iron ore mining Lithuanian Macedonian Magyar meat packing Mexican mining and smelting Montenegrin native birth native father Native-born of foreign Native-born of native nativity and race Negro North Italians Norwegian Oil refining older immigrants owing to small Polish Portuguese proportion race not specified race of father race of head race of individual recent immigrants reporting complete data Roumanian Russian Ruthenian Scotch Servian Slaughtering and meat Slovak Slovenian small number involved South specified number STUDY OF EMPLOYEES STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS Sugar refining Swedish Syrian Total foreign-born Total native-born total number Welsh Woolen and worsted
Populāri fragmenti
57. lappuse - else, is fully investigated, and if good ground for complaint be shown to exist against them, they are removed, and their occupation is handed over to some more deserving person. There are a few children employed in these factories, but not many. The laws of the State forbid their working more than nine months in the year, and require
58. lappuse - libraries. Thirdly, they have got up among themselves a periodical." "I am now going to state three facts which will startle a large class of readers on this side of the Atlantic very much.
58. lappuse - various persuasions, in which the young women may observe that form of worship in which they have been educated. '' Firstly, there is a joint stock piano in a great many of the boarding houses.
309. lappuse - EMPLOYEES.) This table shows wages or earnings for the period indicated, but no account is taken of voluntary lost time or lost time from shutdowns or other causes. In the various tables in this report showing annual earnings allowance is made for time lost during the year. a Not computed, owing to small number involved.
56. lappuse - of the corporation they would descend from it, dressed in various and outlandish fashions, and with their arms brimful of bandboxes containing all their worldly goods. On each of these was sewed a card, on which one could read the old-fashioned New England name of the owner
50. lappuse - rendered certain industrial occupations unattractive to the prospective wage-earner of native birth; and (3) occupations other than those in which southern and eastern Europeans are engaged are sought for the reason that popular opinion attaches to them a more satisfactory social status and a
118. lappuse - year. On the other hand, the greater number of wage-earners in all the industries studied, either of native birth and of foreign father or of foreign birth, were receiving as a result of their labor less than $600 per annum. It is a striking fact that of the total number of foreign-born wage-earners 77.9 per cent were receiving under $600
50. lappuse - General or technical education has enabled a considerable number of the children of the industrial workers of the passing generation to command business, professional, or technical occupations more desirable than those of their fathers; (2) the conditions of work which the employment of recent immigrants