In His Hands!"Eternal security" is under investigation as the author focuses on approximately 100 verses in support or supposed conflict with the subject. He also faces serious issues related to the subject. (Christian) |
Dedication | 5 |
Who Designed Our Salvation? | 26 |
Who Delivered Our Salvation? Part 1 | 48 |
Who Delivered Our Salvation? Part 2 | 65 |
Who Sealed Our Salvation? | 90 |
Is It By Grace Alone? | 114 |
What about Those Apostates? | 139 |
How Then Shall We Live? | 164 |
Who Determines Our Future? | 181 |
What do the Scriptures Say? Part 2 | 215 |
What Should We Conclude? | 264 |
Special Ministries of the Holy Spirit | 279 |
New Nature the New Force for Living | 293 |
The Holy Spirit FillControls Chart | 314 |
Common terms and phrases
according addresses aorist tense apostasy apostates believer believeth Bible Blessed blood body brethren called Christ Jesus Christian church Colossians commandments complete condemnation confess continuous Corinthians covenant dead death deliverance Ephesians eternal security fact faith Father fellowship flesh forever forgiveness fruit Galatians gift glory God the Father God's grace gospel Greek hath heart heaven Hebrews Holy Spirit II Corinthians II Thessalonians II Timothy indicates iniquity Isaiah Israel Jesus Christ John Judas Jude judgment justified keep live Lord Jesus Christ loss of salvation lust Matthew means mercy nature never obedience Old Testament passage Paul person Peter position predestinated present promises Psalm receive redeemed redemption reference regeneration relationship repentance revealed righteousness Romans sacrifice saints saith sanctification Satan saved Scriptures sinners sins soul teaching Testament thee Thessalonians things thou hast thought Timothy truth understanding unto verse Wherefore word wrath